The Gray Diamond

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Chapter 5: The Gray Diamond

The Necromancers are a powerful and fearful race, full undead servants and terrible dark magic. They are the reason distrust exists within the Hidden, and if their armies were to ever march onto the land of the living, nothing would survive.

--Excerpt from 'The Guide to the Realm of the Hidden.'


"Hm. No."

Dear Kam. Okay, calm down Hannah. There was no reason to give up hope yet. He said no, but that doesn't mean it's all over. She came all this way. Her mother wouldn't give up. She wouldn't either.

"Wait," she said quickly. "Why not? We think you'd be a great coach for us."

"And?" He chuckled, like he couldn't believe that he had to go over this with them. "Do you not understand what I am? Not just any necromancer, I'm the Last Necromancer. I like to keep a low profile. And I also don't think I'd be all that great a coach."

Last Necromancer? That certainly answers a lot of questions.

"How so? Have you done it before?" Bill started to inquire. "We just need a coach, someone with experience, someone with plenty of..."

Ditto cocked his head. He ran a hand through his beard. "Ah. I see. You need someone who's not only willing to take on students, but also has a lot of free time. Not taking jobs. That's not a bad strategy. In fact, it's probably the only way to do it now." Hannah could see the wheels turning, as though he could see the past right here in front of him. "Tell me, what made you think I am lacking time?"

Ah. Crap. Hannah wasn't liking this. Lilly decided to be brave and go first. "We found your profile. Everyone we had asked before had told us no, they were too busy. It just seemed logical that, as your profile was the actual bottom of the exorcism hero forum, and you were seeking jobs, that you might not... be as... popular."

Lilly! Not so blunt. Should she say something? Hannah wasn't sure. Come on, don't freak out, just try to make things better.

She opened her mouth, then closed it again.


"Yes, the hero forums. Where rankings occur, debates on who's the best, videos uploaded, job postings. If you wish to be a hero, keeping up with the forums is just as important as actually being a real hero." Ditto stretched. She just noticed his socks had a bunch of skulls on them. "Why, though, would you come beg a necromancer to be your coach? The rumors must not be taught anymore in school. That we kill, to raise your corpse. We march from town to town, bringing our undead armies to add to our collection. Collect organs. Destroy graveyards. Which leads me to question why my profile, as dry as it is, would pique your interest enough that you would come here to ask for this request?"

Now this is where Hannah started to lose her nerves. Her mother had been brave, but now Hannah's chest felt like it was going to explode. They needed this to succeed. More than anything she's ever worked for. Speak woman! Before the opportunity slips.

"You see," she said, barely audible. "It was just a hunch. I-- saw your profile. Something inside me clicked."

"You? The magi?"

She swallowed. Somehow, the ancient battles of their people never really occurred to her.

"Please," Lilly said. "At least give us a chance. We came all this way--"

"And where are you from again? Who travels to come see the Necromancer?"

"Grande City. We want to attend Denver High Academy for Heroes." Bill clenched his fist. "We've worked hard to make the prerequisites to get in. You're just the final piece we're missing."

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