Late Nights

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Chapter 2: Late Nights

The Last War was a devastating war to the Hidden. The Sleeping Witch's influence had brought destruction to many parts of Earth, and saw a large chunk of the Light Layer ruined. It will take time for recovery, though as a Witness even I am not sure if it's possible.

--Excerpt from 'The Guide to the Realm of the Hidden.'


The magi arrived home later than she anticipated. Upon entering her small apartment high up on the sixth floor, she saw her dad sitting there on the couch watching TV. His eyes changed a few colors before he looked up.

    "Hey Sweetie," he said, taking a big gulp out of his mug. Her dad was an air magi, who was tall but not as built as his younger days. He was getting a gut, but she couldn't really blame him anymore. His hair was growing out, and maybe she'd remind him to get it cut. "How was meeting with the crew?"

    "Fine. We're still looking for a coach."

    "Maybe your old man can pass off as your coach," he said. Grinning, he flexed his arms, creating a small whirlwind. "They'll never know the difference."

    "Uh, yeah, sure Dad," I laughed, joining him on the couch. "But if you're with me, who'll drink all the beer here at home. Or yell at the neighbors to turn down the music?"

    "That is an important job. It does require long hours and great dedication," Dad joked. "You know, your mother had a lot of friends that might be able to spare a semester or two to help you guys. A few still owe her favors. I can try too--"

    "I told you, we've got to do this ourselves." Hannah clutched her stomach, feeling the nerves running across like a stampede of horses. "I don't want to rely on favors to become a hero, or to make a name for myself. If I want to survive the academy, then everything has to be done by myself with Bill and Lilly."

    "Yes, but a little help can go a long way."

    Hannah smiled. "You are helping though, by letting me do this, and allowing me to apply to the school of my dreams."

    "Well of course. I mean, you've met every other requirement. Good grades. You've got a team, which isn't needed but recommended. No weapons or gear, but that'll come. I think that you've got a great shot of making it big there."

    "Like Mom."

    "Yes," he replied, smiling kindly. "Like your mother. She did very well there. Though, her first year was really tough. Lot's of grueling training, hard fights, mean professors."

    "How mean can a hero professor even be?"

    Her old man shrugged his shoulders, like saying beats me. He went back to facing the TV. "I heard they rarely accept failure. At least that's what your mother told me. The hero training is very serious. It's probably even more tough now, since the war. Failure can't happen again."

    "Why did she answer the call?" Of course Hannah knew why her mother had answered the mysterious call that had echoed over Earth. Please, in the Name of Death, we need you to fight. That call which had repeated itself from strange machines flying all over the world had thousands go to the Light Layer to fight against the Sleeping Witch. She had enslaved an army, was threatening destruction, then eternal servitude, for all Hidden.

    Hannah was only eight at the time. She didn't know any better. People had been fighting already. The North America province had burned, and the Central and South American provinces had lost so much due to the Witch's secret takeover. After the war, all efforts went into righting those wrongs. But it had cost a lot of lives in defeating the Witch.

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