Attack on Y/N

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Hello!!! So I've rewritten this plenty of times before but I did just rewrite it again as of 08/23/24 so if something looks odd it's probably just me

Attack on y/n

TW: This story has bullying, hospital visits, and arguments in it. As well as swearing! If you are not comfortable with any of these topics I would suggest not reading it. I can't make you do anything though so do what you will.

Prompt: Jace and Noah attack Zeke's listener and they need to go to the hospital. Zeke gets pissed and Cam helps him calm down.
Zeke's listener POV:

You were getting comfortable in your normal hiding spot after class, under the bleachers eating your leftover lunch sitting on top of a hoodie Zeke lent to you.

It was a neat little spot and quiet. More often than not there'd be cigarette butts, roach ends, and a decently disturbing amount of garbage but it became a routine for you and you took comfort in the place.

Cam's partner showed you the place shortly after you had met them both. A very cute couple indeed. If not a little bit clingy but you found them endearing either way.

Normally, you would eat with Cam and Zeke but they both had to train for the sports festival. You were happy that they both got on teams, but they had to do extra training because of it. Which meant you were eating by yourself more often than you would like.

You were snacking along on your leftovers when you heard the sound of dirt crunching under someone's footsteps behind you.

"'Hey, Zeke's Pet."

You turn around to see Jace walking up to you in between the metal bars.

Seeing Jace brought up a whirlwind of questions as soon as you saw his brown hair and recognized his unfortunately familiar voice"

How did he even know you were here? Did he follow you from class? And most of all why was he even talking to you

"What are you doing here all by yourself? Shouldn't you have your little bodyguards at your side?" He looked side to side like they were somehow hiding just out of view.

You groan at him and roll your eyes.

"Yeah? Where are your little pets, Pinkie Pie and Mommy Issues?" You hear another voice behind Jace.

There standing just behind Belladonna you can see Noah's outline. He's walking particularly wide and loose and you can tell he's pretending to be a hard ass as if he isn't still cowering behind Jace.

"Shut up, Noah." Jace says through gritted teeth. Noah shrinks down a little and he looks something similar to a scolded puppy.

You ask why Jace is here and not stealing candy from a baby or shoving kids into lockers true bully style. He gives a growl-like noise in response while he glares you down and looks you from top to bottom like he's looking at a piece of steak.

If glares could kill, you would be long gone.

"Excuse me?" He asked like he was genuinely dumbfounded. "You have seen what I have done to Cam.. Don't make me hurt you to."

Jace turns and smiles at Noah who is ready to return the look and nod in support of his friend's lame attempt at a threat.

You tell Jace to fuck off and leave you alone. You hadn't even talked to him today why would he be this interested in fucking with you.

He just gives a dry chuckle in response.

"You see, I would, but you have something I can use. See, fucking up Graves truck apparently just wasn't enough for him to learn his place. So, It would seem like I need to make an even bolder statement." Jace starts to walk closer to you with Noah following shortly behind.

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