Theo Helping His Listener

911 15 4

You stand in the middle of a grassy field with soil, grass, and sweat sticking to your body from the many falls you have taken this morning. You were bent over with your hands grasping your knees.

This was around your 11th unsuccessful attempt at flying today. So many attempts and yet, all you have done was hover about a foot off the ground before you ate dirt.

You took a deep breath to psych yourself up before you stood up straight and got in position to try again.

You flapped your wings over and over, as hard as you could. The weight of your body slowly being lifted off the ground with each push and pull of your feathery limbs till you weren't touching the ground.

Just focus. You got this, just don't panic. A bead of sweat fell from your forehead while you watched the grass sway from the breeze your wings created.

You kept at this pace till you were hovering a few inches off the ground. It was probably obvious you weren't used to flying or having wings for that matter. From the way you stuck out your arms, to the inconsistency of your wings while they flapped. You probably looked like an infant.

That wasn't important though. Right now all that was important was learning how to fly.

Just stay calm and stay flying. Don't jinx it and stay calm.

And just like that, you pushed one wing just a bit harder than the other. Your body tilted to the side and you lost your balance. Next thing you know, you were getting up close and personal with the soft grass and the hard rocks.

You groaned in pain while you pushed yourself off the ground and sat down. Wincing a bit from putting too much weight on your now sore wrist. You sighed, feeling the damp ground under yourself, and wiped off what mud and grass you could from your hands.

Falling onto your @$$ and/or face was getting really tiring.


You look up from your hands to see your himbo of a bear half-blood walking towards you with a concerned look on his face.

Theo had a bag you assumed had the berries he demanded you both had for breakfast this morning.

"Are you okay? That was a nasty fall."

You chuckle a bit and tell him that it wasn't the worst fall you have performed today.

His ears twitch while he crouched down next to you and he gives you an unimpressed but still concerned look.

"Please be careful, Y/N. You learning how to fly isn't worth getting hurt."

You give him a genuine smile and tell him you're alright. After all the other avians know how to fly and if you're going to pass, you're going to need to know how too!

Theo glances off to the side while he ponders something.

"Ya'know, I may not have your fancy wings but maybe I could help you out? Or at least catch you before you end up looking more mud than half-blood"

You roll your eyes at him but agree to the help.

"Yay!" Theo stands up and lends you his hand with a wide smile spread across his face,

You chuckle at him and take his hand. It didn't use much muscle for him to lift you right off the ground and onto your feet. He was a bear after all

You dust off the remaining grass from your clothes before telling Theo that he should probably stand back. You wouldn't want to end up crushing him after all.

"I doubt you could do anything to this big 'ol half-blood but if it will make you feel better."

He dropped the bag of berries down a yard or two away before coming back to be your support.

Flapping slowly at first till you found a rhythm comfortable enough to go faster. Theo stood in front of you and help out his hand. You smile and take his hand again before looking back at the ground to focus on flying.

Faster, and faster, and faster one last time before you left the ground. You were holding onto Theo's hand for dear life while you started to hover. He had a proud smile pushing his cheeks into his eyes so they looked like lines.

Okay, okay, we are at the part where you always fail. Just keep the hover. Don't mess it up. Just hover. The same pace at the same time, both wings.

A few seconds went by and you still haven't fallen on your butt! Okay! Nice! Don't jinx it though. Just keep calm.

You started to feel comfortable in the hover and decided that now might be the time to try to let go of Theo. You nod to him and he seems to get the memo. He let go of your hand and let you be the one to pull your hand away.

You are still focused on the ground as you start to loosen your grip. Slowly but surely till you are just hovering your hand over his. You take a deep breath before retracting your arm slowly.

Before long you hand your hand off of Theo and in a steady hover. You had a big smile on your face and so did Theo.

This was a new record! Just stay steady and don't get distracted.

You looked up at Theo and grinned.

"Okay, are you steady? Can you go any higher?"

You nodded softly without replying. You stuck your arm out like you were going to grab Theo but you help back just before you touched him. You wanted him there for support but you still needed to learn how to do this.

Your wings pushed a little harder and you lifted a little higher till you were 2 feet off the ground. You started holding onto Theo now that you were higher. This was a bit more unfamiliar than hovering 8 or so inches off the ground.

"You're doing great! Just stay there till you're comfortable, okay?"

You nod softly and take a deep breath. This is fine, this is perfectly alright. You are doing great!

Unfortunately, you feel a bug tickle your arm, and you panic. You swiftly push yourself away from the bug, not accounting for the fact that you pushed yourself right into Theo.

The collision leads you both to be sprawled on the ground. You were half on Theo and half on the ground. Luckily Theo had landed on the grass instead of a rock

There is a moment of silence between the two of you as you figure out what just happened. But the silence doesn't last long before you hear something from Theo. You ask if he is okay but the only response you get is a laugh. A laugh that progressively gets louder and more joyous.

His laugh is contagious and you start to laugh as well till you both are in a fit of laughter amongst the flowers and bugs.

Once you both start dying down you say that you're sorry for freaking out and explain there was a bug or something on your arm and you panicked.

"It's alright, Y/N." he said in between a few chuckles. You push yourself off of Theo and apologize for squishing him.

"It's alright! I promise! No need to apologize! It was only an accident after all!"

You agree that it was only an accident but you were still sorry.

"I'm alright, I promise. No need to worry" His voice was so sweet and sincere you could practically hear the smile in it.

You give up on the apology and smile back at him.

"Why don't we go eat our breakfast, find a creek for you to bathe in, and find something to brace your wrist? Don't think I didn't notice that by the way."

You tell him that it sounds like a great idea and stand up. He shortly follows and grabs the berries. He looks around for a second before finding a large winding tree to each under.

You both end up talking about your lives and eating berries till you're both full

This one isn't up to my normal standards due to me being kinda out of it the past few days so I am so so so sorry for that. I am thinking of going over the Cam oneshot soon and changing it up a bit so look out for that ((if i can get out of my funk)) Also thank you to @Razorwhip1835 for suggesting this oneshot! I hope I did your idea justice. As always, please let me know if you see something I could do better!

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