Shay Catches you singing

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((Merfolk reader))

You sit on the windowsill of Shay's quarters, staring at the ocean stretching for miles and miles ahead of you. You have been staring at the ocean and listening to the waves since you woke up about a half an hour ago.

The sound of waves crashing against the side of the Moon Maiden was more soothing than you expected. Normally you just heard the muffled version from under the sea, and that was only when you could get close enough to the surface. Hearing the waves from above the sea was... weird, but calming.

To be fair though, this entire situation was weird. With people you don't know, in a ship you have never seen, in the bedroom of a man planning to sell you off. Sure, he wasn't a bad captor per se. He gave you an orange and makes sure that none of the other crew messed with you, he even calmed you down from the loud thunder. Still though, he is planning on selling you once you reach the shore.

Speaking of your captor, Shay still hasn't made an appearance this morning. You assumed he had left the room before the sun came up to go yell at someone in his crew or look at maps or whatever a captain of a pirate ship does. Not exactly like you would know.

You decided to take a break from staring at the open blue and poke around Shay's room a little. He did leave you unattended after all. What did he expect?

You pushed yourself off of the windowsill and took a long gander and the surrounding room. His room was really cozy, full of reds, browns, tans, and other colors of the sort. It was honestly quite the stark contrast to the blues, greens, and purples of the kingdom that you were used to.

Another difference from the kingdom was that his room was an absolute mess. It had clothes thrown around the room, empty rum bottles, a pile of orange peels next to the bed, and a few random odds and ends scattered here and there.

The kingdom had plenty of servants and maids to keep the kingdom as spotless as the family wanted. Which was always a hard task, given that they hated any site of barnacles or algae even touching anything that belonged to them. If they saw even the shadow of a trace of anything but spotless, they would make you clean an entire wing of the castle by yourself.

You looked around the room in disgust. If you were going to be sleeping here, you needed to clean up. Maybe you could count it as payment for him comforting you.

You start by gathering the bottles and dumping them into a crate you found under his bed. Then you pick up the clothes and start to hum a tune you heard the youngest of the princes sing to help you focus. You fold the clothes and put them into their drawers. All the drawers were empty so you organized them too.

You grab the bottom of your shirt and start putting the orange peels in it. Standing up with a small grunt, you keep holding the bottom of the shirt while you walk to the windowsill. You push open the window and throw the peels out. You left the window open just a crack to let some stuffy air out.

Your hum turned into mumbling the lyrics while you fluffed the pillows and straightened out the bedding.

Eventually, you started to sing along to the lyrics and dancing a little while you worked. A smile pulled on your lips while you got into your groove.

Slowly but surly you forgot the world around you while you sang along. You got more and more into it will every syllable

The best part of the song was coming up and you took full advantage of it. You belted out the lyrics as good as you could. You giggled after messing up a lyric or two but kept singing along anyway.

It was just you and the song. No one else. Well, other than Shay lurking in the doorway, watching you sing and dance.

"... Woah..."

You practically jump out of your skin from the pirate's voice. You quickly turned to face him with a blush crawling across your cheeks.

He was leaning against the door frame with an awestruck look plastered on his face. Once he noticed he was heard, his own embarrassed pink spread on his cheeks. He darted his eyes around and cleared his throat while be pushed himself off the door frame.

"Oh! Heh, sorry for sneaking up on you there. You seemed to be in your own little world. I didn't want to interrupt."

You stutter a bit and ask him how long he has been watching you.

"Not too long. Just enough to hear that voice of yours. I must say, you merfolk have amazing voices, and you are one of the best I have ever heard."

You chuckle a bit and turn away shyly.

"Oh don't turn away. How could you be so embarrassed? Aren't you merfolk known for your voices?"

You say that merfolk are known for their voices, but given that you are always were surrounded by people with better or equal voices that you weren't complemented all that often.

Shay hums for a moment

"Well that's just a shame."

You both sit in a semi awkward silence. Neither of you able to find words to carry on this conversation.

"So, uhm,"- Shay cleared his throat- "You cleaned my quarters?"

You nod your head and say it was payment for when he comforted you

"Oh! You didn't need to pay me for that, Angelfish. It was nothing more than basic human decency"

You look at him will a grin on your face 

I have honestly run out of ideas to make this story longer so uh, yee. I am ending it with a grin lol. You y'all have any ideas for another oneshot feel free to let me know and I'll maybe write it

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