These Battle Scars (Don't Look Like They're Fading)

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I hope you all enjoy this hurt-comfort/fluffy goodness 😉❤️💙


Peter's shaking by the time the battle finally draws to a close.

He lands on a nearby rooftop with a muffled grunt. Around him, gray and black smoke bellows up, the remains of their hard-fought win against the invading aliens surrounding the spiderling no matter where he looks.

A sob catches in his throat, and he reaches up, ripping his mask off with a wet gasp.

One of the aliens had almost gotten him. In the heat of the battle, his adrenaline had been high, clouding his vision and Peter hadn't realized just how close he had come to-to--

Another sob tears at his chest and he staggers from the force, vaguely recognizing the loud rush of the Iron Man thrusters as Tony flies over to where he stands.

Glancing up, the teenager watches through blurry, tear-filled eyes as his father-figure finally lands a few feet in-front of him.

"Yeah, yeah I found him, Rhodes." Tony's voice is both relieved and worried, the bright blue eyes of the Iron Man suit seeming to narrow further in anxious confusion. "I'll have Fri send you a ring when we're on our way back, honeybear. Over and out."

For a few seconds, all Peter can do is glance downward, watching as his tears drip to the concrete roof below him, before a whirring noise has his head back snapping up, doe eyes wide.

"Hi, bubba." Tony says, the suit retracting from around him and he steps closer, reaching out to gently cup Peter's cheek in one of his warm palms. "Are you hurt at all?"

"N-No," Peter whispers, sniffling. He leans into the soft touch, barely swallowing down an exhausted whimper. "I'm not-not hurt, Tony, promise."

Tony studies his face, one of his dark eyes shadowed by a fresh bruise, a thin line of blood trailing down one temple. He doesn't seem to care about his own injuries, however, reaching out with his other hand and gripping Peter's shoulder.

"Do I need to have Friday do a medic scan, bug?" The billionaire asks, only half-joking.

Peter shakes his head, leaning forward until he can press himself underneath Tony's chin. His mentor's arms wrap around him without hesitation, rubbing soothing circles against the boy's quivering back and Peter can't hold back his tears anymore.

He sobs hard, shoulders shaking from the force and Tony grips him tighter, pressing soft and gentle kisses against Peter's temple, his chest rumbling underneath the younger hero's cheek as Peter weakly nuzzles back.

"It's okay, kiddo, shh." Tony whispers against Peter's forehead, brushing back the spiderling's stray curls with his free hand. "You're just tired, hmm? Is that it?"

Peter can only nod, feeling more than seeing the sigh that his dad lets out. After a few more seconds of holding, Tony pulls back, carefully reaching down and cupping Peter's chin once more. Lifting Peter's face from his chest, Tony frowns, gently brushing away the spiderling's remaining tears with his thumb.

"What do you say we head back home, huh? Get all cleaned up, put on some comfy clothes and watch a movie? How does that sound, baby?"

"Yeah," Peter's voice cracks and he cleans his throat, allowing Tony to move away toward the still open Iron Man suit with one last sweet kiss to the boy's forehead. "That-That sounds really nice. A Goofy Movie ?"

"And some hot chocolate." Tony finishes with a wink.

Peter lets out a wet laugh of his own, tugging his mask back on his face and grimacing at the dry tears that stick to the fabric. Tony hesitates for a second, giving Peter one last careful once-over before stepping into the suit. He reaches out, gently pulling a now yawning spiderling back into his metal arms.

He cradles the teen against his chest, Peter's cheek resting against the constant blue glow of the Arc Reactor.

"Get comfy, spider-baby, we'll be home in just a few minutes."

"M'kay." Peter says, his eyes already slipping closed. "Thanks, Tony."

"Nothing to thank me for, buddy. Now, shh, just relax and take it easy, alright? Let the adult do the hard work for a little while."

Peter doesn't respond, just nuzzles closer, lulled by the protective arms circling him and the rocking of the Iron Man thrusters.

Tony hums under his breath, the sound slightly robotic, turning a corner and Peter doesn't think of the destruction below him. The ashy remains of their traumatic battle no longer cloud the boy's mind, but instead thinks of the man holding him, his father in all but blood and just how fucking safe Tony always makes him feel.

Peter sighs again, curling closer, feeling Tony gently clutch him tighter and the boy's breath starts to even out.

He's asleep before Tony even lands on the Stark Tower's roof.


A/N: Thank you for reading! 🥰

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