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Saturday morning, 07:00 am

The eight boys entered the classroom, and each went to sit in a different place. Jongho sat in the front row, as did Seonghwa and Yunho. Mingi sat down in the middle  row, Hongjoong and Wooyoung followed suit. San, who had arrived late, sat in the far middle left while Yeosang took a seat at the back of the class. 

The teacher arrived and handed out a sheet of paper to each student before clearing his throat and speaking.

"You all know who I am, you may not know each other but that's okay because you're not here to make friends but rather to think about the consequences of your actions. I'm not going to be too strict with you, I'm just asking that you don't make any noise and fill in this page by writing down the reasons why you shouldn't do what you did to find yourself in detention. Understood?"

"Yes. Mr. Lee" The students chimed.

"Any questions? Yes Mr. Song?"

"Can we go to the bathroom whenever we want?"

"Yes, but don't abuse it. Well if this is it, I'll be in my office" With that the teacher left, careful to leave the door opened. 

Five minutes later Mingi was already bored, looking around he saw Jongho very focused on writing his essay and a laugh escaped his lips making everyone look at him.

"What are you laughing about?" Yunho asked curiously.

"This kid, he's such a nerd already busy writing the essay the teacher said we had to write"

Mingi laughed as Jongho shot him death glare claiming he was bored and this was the only thing to do. Seonghwa rolled his eyes at the brunette's immature behavior, placing his head back between his arms, trying to sleep. 

 Fifteen minutes later, another pen was heard scrapping the paper.

"Oh look we got another one" Mingi spoke once again looking over to where Hongjoong was writing on his paper.

"I'm not writing the essay, idiot" Hongjoong spat not even bothering to look at Mingi. 

"Oh really, then what are you doing?" Mingi laughed and went to look over Hongjoong's tiny shoulder.

"Are those song lyrics?"

"Get out of here, come on" The brunette tried to hide his sheet but Mingi grabbed it and sat down next to him. 

San looked up at the two boys, finding the bickering more interesting than the lace of his shoes with which he had been playing with but sighed went back to playing with his laces when the two lowered their voices and started talking together.

After a thud was heard coming from his right, San glanced and saw the small boy with the large red hoodie had lost his balance on the chair and fallen to the ground. With a smile, he got up and went to help the younger up.

"Here let me help" He said as he extended his hand which the other took, quickly being risen to his feet.

"Wow, you're strong" Wooyoung laughed as he dusted off his pants and placed his chair.

"Thanks, you're cute, how come I've never seen you before?" Wooyoung was a bit taken aback from the other's direct behavior but didn't let it show very long, instead he decided to play along.

"I could say the same to you" He said as he winked making San laugh.

"I'm Choi San, pleasure to meet you"

"Jung Wooyoung, like wise" The two sat down and started talking whereas Yunho had just gotten up to go sit down next to Seonghwa. 

The two boys weren't friends but weren't strangers either, Seonghwa was very popular and knew everyone and Yunho also had a large group of friends and acquaintances which overlapped with Seonghwa's and so the two had already shared lunch tables and run into each other at various parties and such.

"Hey, Seonghwa"

"Sup, Yunho"

"I can't believe this is how I'm spending my Saturday" The tall boy groaned.

"Me neither"

What did you do to end up here?" The brunette asked.

"I got a very bad grade in history..."

"And you got detention for that??" Yunho asked in disbelief.

"Can you imagine, my teacher's a prick"


"How about you?"

"I kind of cheated during a quiz"


Seonghwa laughed making Jongho roll his eyes at the loud sound.

"Hey, you two! We're not supposed to make any noise, didn't you hear the teacher" The younger said.

"Sorry, but don't worry he probably didn't hear anything" Seonghwa calmly said in between laughs.

"Would you look at that, we have a teacher's pet amongst us" Mingi said as he laughed alone at his joke.

"Shut it, Mingi" Yunho said, he knew Song Mingi as the school's loud mouth and quite frankly, he wasn't interested in hearing his stupid comment all day long.

"Yeah come on stay out of it" 

Seonghwa added as he went back to talking to Yunho but stopped when he heard a chair being moved. Looking around he saw the tiny brunette get up from next to Mingi and going to sit a few desks behind. 

"Dude, where are you going?" The look on Mingi's face was priceless and everyone stopped to look at the scene.

"I don't like bullies" The boy simply answered.

"No, I'm not a bully" Mingi defended himself but Hongjoong wasn't even listening.

After that, everyone went about their business, Hongjoong was still writing on his sheet, Jongho on the other hand had stopped writing on his and was sitting still in his chair. Yeosang was asleep at his desk, Seonghwa and Yunho kept on talking as well as San and Wooyoung whereas Mingi was bored again now that he couldn't talk to Hongjoong anymore.


So this book is kind of based off The Breakfast Club since I absolutely adore that movie and it gave me an amazing idea for this story!


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