Chapter 12: I'm not sure

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Diegos POV•

What? I can't believe what I just heard?! Violleta really loves me?

Violetta stand up.

-Uuhhm, I need to go now, bye Diego. She said.

-Violetta wait! I said and grabed her waist. She looked up at me.

-Uuh.. You love me? I asked feeling unsure for like the first time in my hole life.

-Yes Diego I do, I just havn't understand that, you've always been there and making me happy my feelings for you have been so unsure, but I am sure now. I said.

-Woow, I'm happy you understand that now, it was really worth the wait. I said and smiled.

-Yeah, but I need to go now.

-Okay, bye I said and Violetta walked away.

I can't understand this may be one if the happiest and best days in my life!

Violettas POV•

I walked back to the studio after lunching with Diego. To be honest it may be the best lunch ever!

I saw Fran who was on her way to me, ohh shit.

-Hey Vilu! Where have you been? She asked and was trying to catch her breath.

-Uuhm I was out eating lunch, I said.

-Out? Whit who? Fran asked.

-Me, I lied.

-Oh c'mmon Vilu you are never eating lunch out by yourself! Fran said kinda teasing me.

-Okay, fine! I was with Diego, I said.

-Noo really? Fran asked.

-Yes I was, so what? Can't I be with Diego or what? I asked.

-Noo, ofcourse you can! But I mean, Vilu I don't want you to get hurt again like with Leon! Fran said.

-Okaayy, but I'm sure, Diego is a good guy! I said.

-Oh oh! Someone is in looove! Fran said and poke me in my stomach kinda teasing me.

-Fran nooo... Really, I said

-You're blushing then you're lying! I know that you're in love with him! Fran said, she's like a tease.

-Hi what are you talking 'bout? Cami said joining our conversation.

-Vilu is in looove! Fran said grining at me.

-Oooh. With....? Cami asked.

-Diego! Fran said.

-What!? Cami yelled.

-Yes, I am, I think, I said blushing.

-Okay, but I'm not sure about him. But just don't let him hurt you or anything. Cami said.

-Yes I know.... I said annoying because Fran already said all that.

-Lets go to class now! I said.

We walked to class, we're working with our show with you mix.

-Violetta and Diego you can practice on your song now. Pablo said.

-Ohh, okay! I said. Diego and I walked up to the stage. I looked at him in his eyes. He smiled at me, I returned the smile.

It's really something the way you're heart keep saying this is right, this is right, this is right oooh....

-Good! But in the end you're gonna kiss, so can we take that now? Pablo said.

I looked at Diego without a word we moved closer, and kissed! Our lips moved perfect together.

-That's good! Good work today everybody! See ya tomorrow! Angie said.

I walked of stage, taking my things. I saw Leon he really looked pissed off! But I don't care, or maybe, a little bit off me still does, but I need to move on.

Authorsnote: Tadaaa! Another chapter! Like it? Then Vote and Comment!


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