Chapter 1: The new boy

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Violettas POV

So here I'm standing again. At the airport. I can't believe that we're going back to the studio! It's gonna be so fun to meet everyone again. I thought for myself. I looked around and then I just started singing.

*Vilu's singing Hoy somos mas*

*After she's singed:

-Hey Vilu! I turned around and saw Francesca.

-Oh Fran hey! I said and huged her.

-It's so fun to see you again, Fran said after the hug.

-Yes you too. I said.

-Are you going to the You-mix party tonight? Francesca asked and looked at me.

-Ehm... Yes, I just need to ask my dad first. I said.

-Okey, hope he will say yes cause you need to come! Fran said and I smiled to her as answer.

*At the same time when Vilu and Fran's talking, a boy camed and stayed his suitcase next too Francescas suitcase. Then he's taking the wrong suitcase! He took Francescas!*

-Well I think I need to go now. But I'll see you tonight Vilu! Fran said and huged me once again.

-Yes see you there. I said and Fran walked away. Well I also needed to go now so I grabed my suitcase and went home.

~At the Castillo's house~

I walked indoors. Olga camed first and saw me.

-Oh my sweet little Violetta you are finally home again! Olga said while she was huging me.

-Haha yes I'm home now, I said and smiled to Olga. Then my dad and Ramallo camed out.

-Hi Violetta! Ramallo said with a smile to me.

-Hi Ramallo, I said and smiled back. I walked to my dad.

-Dad, it's a party tonight, You-mix are having it and I want to go to it with my friends, so pleaaase can I go? I asked my dad.

-With your friends? Dad said and looked like he doesn't understand it.

-Yes, Francesca and Camila. I said.

-Well, okey. He said. And smiled to me.

-Yeey! I said. Thank you! I huged my dad. After I ran up to my room I need to look what I'm gonna wear. They are having the 1980 as theme.

The boy that tooked Francescas suitcase, POV•

-Omg no! I said when I opend the suitcase. It wasn't my suitcase. It was full of 'girl' clothes. How Am I ever gonna find who it is thats having my suitcase we need to change back, but I don't know who she is? Then I find something a card to a party. I readed on it, the party is tonight. Maybe I can find the girl who's having my suitcase and I can give her her suitcase? Anyway I'm gonna go on that party.

Francescas POV

-No this is not my bag! I said for myself. I must have changed suitcase with anyone. Probably a boy to say after hes stuff. I called Vilu I need her to help me. After some seconds she answering

-Hi Fran it's Vilu, Vilu said.

-Hi Vilu you need to help me, I said.

-Fran what happend? Vilu said.

-I've changed my suitcase with some guy at the airport! I said in a little bit panic.

-Oh that's not god, Vilu said.

-I know and my card to get in on the You-mix party was in my suitcase. And I'm never gonna have the chance to get my suitcase back before the party it starts on 2 hours! I said.

-Fran you don't need a card to get in to the party. You're coming in anyway. Vilu said.

-Okey maybe you're right. I said.

-Yes ofcourse, but see you at the party, bye bye. Vilu said.

-Yes see you bye bye. I said.

Violettas POV

The party's starting soon I need to go to it now. I've changed clothes and all that stuff. So I was ready to go.

-Dad I need to go to the party now, I said.

-In that clothes? He's asking.

-Yes dad it's a 1980 theme on the party I said.

-Okey, but do you need all that makeup on? He said.

-Dad! I said and looked at him with a seriously face.

-Okey, okey have fun, he said and huged me. Then Angie walked down.

-Angie! I said and looked at her she really looked great, Angie was also going to the You-mix party.

-Vilu you are so beautiful! Angie said and looked at me.

-Thanks, you too Anige but we need to go now, I said.

-Oh yes! Angie said so we get to the party. Some few minutes later we were at the party I saw Fran and Cami so I walked to them.

-Hi Vilu you're looking amazing! They both said and looked at me and my clothes.

-Thanks you do too, but should we dance? I said and smiled to them.

-Yes come on let's dance! Cami said and we start dance. We danced for a really long time. Then I saw Leon and I needed to talk to him. I told Fran and Cami that I was going to talk to him so I walkeed away to Leon.

-Hi Leon you look real great, I said and smiled to him.

-Hi Vilu, and thanks it's the new shampoo girls love it, Leon said and laugh a little, cause I know he was kidding. We was walking down, then my shoe felt off.

-I'll get it, Leon said and walked after for it. Then it camed another boy he was tall, had brown hair, a jaket, jeans and a t-shirt he saw pretty normal i thought. Right when Leon was taking up my shoe that boy did it too so they both were holding in my shoe.

-Is this yours or what? The boy said and smiled big to Leon.

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