Chapter 2: You're just making it worse

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Violettas POV

The boy took my shoe. Leon looked real mad at him. The guy just stand there and laughed at Leon.

-If you wanna stay here with this clown sure, but I'm leaving. Leon said and looked at me.

-No, no Leon! I said but he had walked away. The boy that had made Leon leave was still staying at the same place, holding in my shoe and still laughing.

-Here I think this is yours. He said and passed me my shoe. But I didn't take it.

-It's not fun! And you made Leon leaving! I said.

-Oh I'm sorry but I thought it was fun, and that guy Leon, is he your boyfriend or what? He said.

-It wasn't! And you don't have to do with that! I said and walked away from that crazy guy. Then I saw my dad.

-Hi Vilu, it's time to go home! He said.

-Already? I said.

-Yes come now Violetta.

-Okey, I said.

*Home at Castillo's house*

Today it camed a new boy at the You-mix party, he was so stupid. He made Leon leave.

It was late so i closed my book and hold it tight to me, then i sleeped.

*Next morning*

-God morning dad, I said when I walked down stairs.

-God morning Violetta, he said.

-Hi Vilu good! We need to go to the studio now! Angie said and smiled to me.

-Okey Angie, I said.

*At the studio*

-Okey hello everybody! Today we actually have a new member of the studio, it is our new dance-teacher. Everybody here is Jackie! Pablo said and a woman camed in to the studio.

-Hello everybody, I'm Jackie and I'm the new dance-teacher so we're gonna spent some time together and I think it's gonna be fun! Jackie said.

-Okey everybody go to your lessons now. Pablo said.

Francescas POV•

My mobile called and I answerd.

-Hello who's this? I said.

-My name's Diego and I think that I've got something that's yours.

-Oh is it you thats having my suitcase?? I said.

-Yes, and I think that your having my? Diego said.

-Yes! We need to change back, when do you have time? I said.

-Today, at my house, I'm texting you my address. Diego said.

-Sure. I said and ended the call.

*Later at Diegos house*

I called at the doorbell. A guy opened the door.

-Hi you're having my bag? Diego said.

-Yes here it is, give me my now. I said.

-Here, Diego gaved me my bag.

-Thanks. I said. I was on my way to go but...

-Hey you. I turned around.

-Yes what? I said.

-You're friend forgot here shoe at the party last night you can give it back to her. And one more thing I need to see her again.

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