Chapter 11: I love you too

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Violettas POV•

I have thought a lot about the hole "Leon thing" and I'm gonna forget him, I know that I have to, and it's the best thing to do also.

It was a new day, I was in the studio. I walked over to Camila and Francesca. Fran ran to hug me.

-Vilu are you okay? She asked worried.

-Yes, I said and smiled to answer.

-But we thought that Leon and... But I interrupt Cami.

-Yes, but I don't care, I'm gonna move on, so it's really okay girls, I said.

-Oh, well that's super good! Cami said and smiled.

-Shall we go to class? I asked.

-Ohh yeess, Fran nodded. So we walked to class, everybody were allready there so we just walked in and sat down.

-Good morning everybody, today, we're gonna start working with our show, together with you mix. And we're also gonna chose songs. Pablo said. I raised my hand.

-Yes Violetta?

-Me and Diego are gonna sing Be Mine right? I asked.

-Yes you are, and you're gonna kiss in the end of the song. If that's okay? Pablo asked.

-Yeah, super okay. I said and smiled.

-Good, Pablo said and kept talking.

When the lesson were over Leon stopped me from walking out.

-Ugh, Leon what do you want? I asked annoying.

-What's the matter with you Vilu? "Super okay!? Really? Are you moving so fast? Leon said.

-Well, yes I maybe am. And it was your fault, you picked Lara, so why can't I be with Diego, then? I asked from Leon.

-But Vilu...

-Oh Leon Vargas, don't stand here and think that you can come here and 'Vilu' me, because then you're wrong! Go to Lara. I said in a half bitchy tone.

-Hey you're okay? Diego came up by my side and looked worried at me.

-Yes, ofcourse I am, I said.

-Okay, do you wanna eat lunch? Diego asked.

-Yea, sure. I answered.

*At a random café in Buenos Aires*

-Soo, what do you wanna eat? Diego asked looking at me.

-Hmm... I think I take a chicken sandwich and a strawberry milkshake, I answered with a smile.

-Me too! Diego said and grined at me.

A man that works on the café walked to us.

-What do you want? He asked.

-Two chicken sanwiches and two starwberry milkshakes please, Diego said.

-Okay, coming in 10 minutes, the guy said and walked back.

Diegos POV•

I looked at Violetta, she just sat there beautiful and quite looking out trough the window. She then catch me staring at her.

-What are you thinking about? She asked.

-Honestly I'm thinking about you, I said. I saw her cheeks turn into a bright pink colour.

-You're so beautiful Violetta, I kept talking.

-Thanks you're... But then the guy came with our food and interrupt us.

Vilu took her milkshake and start drinking it.

-So, what were you about to say? I asked.

-Oh, you're not that bad too, I mean honestly you know you are at a way or in many ways you know you..

-Violetta! What are you saying? I can't hear when you're talking with your mouth full of chicken sandwich! I laughed. Vilu start laughing to.

-I was saying that you look... god. She said and looked away.

-Hey, Violetta, look at me. I said, she turned and look at me. You're the most beautiful, crazy and funny girl I've met and I don't think I can be only friends with you anymore, I know you just broke up with Leon, but Violetta I really love you. I said.

-D-diego... I- I love you too, She said.

Endnotes: Yayy! A longer chapter finally! And please don't hate at me just because I'm writing that Vilu loves Diego, I just want much drama and it's gonna be to! *evil laugh*

But I'm gonna start posting like 3-4 chapters a week, because I gave so much inspiration now! But today I have sing class ❤ But well, hope you like this chap!

Wote and comment to make me happyyy, I love u guys


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