𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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-The others congratulated Sakusa.

-After the birthday surprise, Sakusa was looking dead inside.

-You guys got home and you put Akira to bed.

-Sakusa just stayed by the living room. He's sitting on the floor as he stared at the window.

-"Are you okay? you look dead."

-Sakusa looked up at your concerned face.

-"Oh, I'm fine... Just still processing."

-You frowned and sat beside him.

-"Are you.. not happy about this?"

-Sakusa looked at you in shock like that was the dumbest thing he ever heard.

-"What the fu- I am happy about this! Not gonna lie I always wanted a son when we got Akira."

-You blinked at him.





-"You.. wanted a son?"

-"Of course! I thought you don't want one. But I can't believe you got pregnant."

-"Is it not noticable to you?"

-He just looked at you.

-"Bruhh, We always bathe together and you didn't even notice it!"


-He got cut off when you lift your shirt and a medium sized bump was shown in your stomach.

-"I- The fu-"

-"I've been pregnant for 12 weeks Kiyo."

-"Oh god, When.. how? whe-"

-Sakusa groaned and cover his face with his hands.

-He laid his back on the floor.

-"Well, I've been wearing baggy clothes so I guess you didn't notice it. I'm shocked you didn't notice it because the team did."

-Sakusa uncover his face as you see tears rolling down.


-Sakusa sat up and hugged you tight careful not to hurt the growing baby in your stomach.

-"I'm so blind, I'm so sorry.. Oh god, I feel like a jerk."

-You pushed his shoulder away as you slapped both of your hands on his cheeks.


-"You're not a Jerk! I understand you're really busy at playing both National and MSBY team. It's okay, now that you know I'm glad."

-Sakusa smiled at you as more tears rolls down.

-"Let's go to bed you big cry baby."

-"Okay, No more gaming and energy drinks for you."

-You gasped as you put your hand on your chest.

-Looking offended.

-"I- How dare you..."

-"It's not good for your health and the baby's so you have no access to your streaming room anymore."

-You dramatically kneeled on the floor and put both of your arms up in despair.

-"Get up from the floor."

-You ain't getting off the floor.

-Sakusa sighed and just picks you off the floor and walked to the bed room.

-Soon you guys went to sleep.

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-𝙎𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙨𝙖 𝙃𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙙 ˢ.ᵏⁱʸᵒᵒᵐⁱWhere stories live. Discover now