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"Hold still Akira." You hold your daughters' shoulder as you apply make up on her face. You're asking why she's wearing make up? Well you could say you were invited to convention from the other side of the globe, or just 3 hours plane ride to the Philippines for the con.

You were invited to be a guest there and of course you agreed, since you have a lot of fans from there. Right now you're dressed up as Yor Forger, Your daughter dressed up as Anya, and your husband Sakusa as Loid. Your already 3 year old son was dressed up in ounsie as Bond the dog. You all agree to wear the clothes without the wig. This was your last day for con and meeting your fans.

Unfortunately Tetsu stayed home with your parents.

Hopefully he doesn't get fat. 😔

"Are we done yet?" Akira asked as she stood rigid so she won't move as her eyes is closed.

"Just a little more... and we're done!" You smiled as you put away your make up and put it in the bag when you'll bring it to con in case for emergencies.

"Love, can you help me with this?" Sakusa walked out of the bathroom holding a tie. You stood up and took the tie from his hand and wrap it around his neck tieing the knot.

Noose kno-

"Not too tight?"

"It's fine." Sakusa kissed your forehead as he went to pick up Akio and strap him on the baby carrier. Akio was asleep the whole time you were getting ready.

"I'll carry that." Sakusa grabbed the bag which contains all the necessities you need. You were about to protest but Sakusa walked faster. Akira walked behind her father trying to catch up. You sighed as you picked up your phone and checked the room incase you'll forget something.


"I can't believe it's been so long since I've been here." You gasped looking around MOA. You guys dropped your stuff in the VIP room where all the guests are. You get to meet Voice actors of your favorite game. Different streamers who you met before and who you just met now.

"Can we eat now?" Akira sighed tugging your hands to a fast food restaurant called Jollibee.

"Okay okay, we'll eat now." You chuckled as you followed your daughter inside. You guys ate food while you wait for the clock to strike 11 which they will let people inside. Since your Q&A session with other streamers starts at 1 pm. Kiyoomi is also allowed to join the Q&A since he's a famous volleyball player and plays in your stream once in awhile.

"How's the food? Is it to your liking?" You asked. Kiyoomi just nods his head saying it's good. Akira just gave thumbs up while eating her spaghetti.

"Hii OMG! Can we take a picture with you and your family?" A group of cosplayers looked at you. You nod your head as you make Akira look decent. After the photo session with other incoming people. You guys left and walked back to SMX for the con.

"Oh wait! Who's gonna watch Akio and Akira while we-"

"I'll watch over him, if you don't mind." It was one of the genshin VAs that walked over to you.

(Y'all know which VA if you went to CONquest 😎)

"Oh! Thank you so much!" You gave Akio to them, surprisingly he's still asleep. Parent figure frfr.

"No worries! We have a break right now and since you need to be on stage." You smiled as you offer to pay them or treat them to dinner. They agreed to dinner by the way.

"Here." a staff member gave you a Mic. You nodded at them smiling nervously, since this is the first time you'll be talking infront of people.

"You'll do great there. Just answer questions or decline some that seems too personal, okay?" you nodded at their words and exhale a nervous breath.

"Hello Philippines!"


"Oh darn! I'm sorry you didn't get the 5 star you needed-"


"This person is prepared." You side eyed the streamer next to you and they laughed. Kiyo was next to you looking at the phone seeing you wish.

"How about my husband wish for you? Will that be alright?" After that question the crown went wild, yelling 'Yes'. Kiyoomi stared at you slightly annoyed. You just laughed and held the phone for him. He playfully rolled his eyes and push the 1 pull button.

It was a 3 star wish.

"Welp I guess your luck is bad."

"It's because you're holding it." You fake gasped feigning hurt. Everyone in crowd either laughed or screamed.

"How about a family wish then? I'll ask Akira to wish for this lovely Kazuha cosplayer." You saw Akira perked up from her seat on top of a box. You beckoned for her to come up stage. She shook her head for a minute but you convince her anyways. She shyly walk up the stage, that made the crowd scream louder than ever.

"Okay you hold daddy's hand while I hold yours okay?" She nods and hold Kiyos hand, you went in and engulfed her hand and held onto Kiyoomi's hand. You guys pushed the one pull button.

It turned gold.

It's Kazuha.

Everyone in the crowd scream and wave their devices waiting for their turn to have their wishes to be pulled.

"Wow! the luck of the Sakusa family!" One of the hosts said. Everyone cheered as they're waving their devices.

"We'll be back later and pick out lucky people for their genshin accounts to be pulled." You and the others wave and walked down the stage.


After all the events you took the time to walk around the whole convention with your family. Picture session here and there. Your husband holding a bag full of merch of yours and other streamers. You daughter have a coat of Venti around her shoulders.

"Let's go everyone! Time to rest." You said, Akira whine a little but just nodded her head. You laughed and picked her up as she nuzzled between your neck and shoulder.

"Goodbye (streamer name)! Come back again next time!" You look up and saw people from the convention surrounding you. You smiled as you wave at them promising that you'll come back for another convention.

───── ❝ Sakusa Household ❞ ─────

Hey guys! Thank you for still supporting this series. I just got inspired from CONquest here in the Philippines. I hope you enjoyed it!

It seems a little rushed but it was a blur the time I finished con.


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