𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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-"Hello (Y/N), How are you?"

-You were out doing early christmas shopping with Akira.

-Sakusa had another practice.

-"Hey Kiyoko! I'm doing fine. How about you?"

-"I'm doing well. Akira is getting bigger now."

-Kiyoko lean by the shopping cart and looked at Akira.

-Akira was staring at her.

-She looks emotionless but her eyes says she's mesmerized.

-I mean Kiyoko is a goddess so.. ;P

-"Hello Akira, I'm Kiyoko. Your moms friend."

-She smiled at her.

-Akira got a little flustered and waved her hand shyly.

-"You should meet my son."

-"Oh, Hiroshi! How is he?"

(This is a fictional son to be used further into the story ;) )

-"He's doing fine. I think he's right over there."

-Kiyoko pointed towards the end of the aisle.

-There stood a little boy with straight blonde hair. With the eyes of blue stones.

-Yeah he's Kiyoko and Tanaka's son.

-"Hiroshi, Come here."

-The boy looked up and ran towards Kiyoko.

-Kiyoko was pregnant after you got married with Sakusa.

-You cried more after you threw your bouquet.

-For some reason Yamaguchi caught it instead.

-... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

-Back to the story.

-"Hello Hiroshi! How are you?"

-"I'm doing fine."

-Akira looked down and stare at Hiroshi.

-Hiroshi also looked back at her.

-Having a staring contest.

-You and Kiyoko looked at each other.

-Having a knowing smile.

-"Mommy I like her."

-Akira's eyes widen and looked away.

-Hiroshi was pointing at her looking up at Kiyoko.

-Kiyoko chuckled pat her sons head.

-"I see.. well, we should go now. Take care (Y/N) and Akira."

-"You too Kiyoko. Akira, say goodbye to them."

-"... bye."

-"Goodbye Akira. Hiroshi."


-Soon the mother and son walked away.

-You looked down at Akira to see her playing with her tablet.

-But she looks distracted.

-'I think she also likes him.'

-𝙎𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙨𝙖 𝙃𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙙 ˢ.ᵏⁱʸᵒᵒᵐⁱWhere stories live. Discover now