𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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"Bokuto, you can't fit in that crib.."

You were out with Akaashi and Bokuto for baby shopping. The wedded couple. Oh did I forgot to tell you guys they were married? Well now you know.

"But- We need to make sure the crib is safe! What if the baby was heavy and the thing collapses. Or Sakusa accidentally sleeping on it like last time-" He got caught off by you bursting out laughing while Akaashi stared at him in disappointment.

But author, we have Akira. Didn't we have an old crib, why can't we use that?

Well my dear readers let me tell you that crib is fucking broken because of Sakusa's weight when Akira won't sleep without her dad. So he ends up sleeping on it. I think he's a deep sleeper because the next morning he woke up in a clutter mess of broken wood.

You lectured him for that one. Also why not buy another crib you ask? Same thing, Akira won't sleep without her dad. Resulting to her sleeping between you guys on the bed. You almost crushed her while rolling around though.

Where's Sakusa you ask? He's out having a father and daughter time in another place.

"But still, you can't just jump in that crib and test out it's strength." Akaashi said. Bakuto pouted and crossed his arms. You were wheezing while holding onto Akaashi's shoulders.

"How- how about we eat somethin for now? I'm quite starving pfft-" You said between wheezes. Bokuto perked up and dragged the both of you to his favorite Barbeque place (Which is like another Korean BBQ place). Since you have a pro volleyball and a former volleyball player, they ordered a lot. Well you have your baby boy inside your tummy, so you pretty much have the same appetite as them.

smh pregnancy cravings.

"(Y/N), do you know when's your due date?" Akaashi asked, while grabbing another meat from the stove. You thought for a moment while chewing your food.

"If I recall, my due date is next week Friday." You said shoving another meat to your mouth.

(Y/N) calm down, Ik you're pregnant but chill-

"I see, I hope you deliver your baby safely."

"Do you think he'll become a volleyball player like Sakusa??" Bokuto questioned, eyes shining brightly to have another disciple to teach. Akaashi sighed as you laughed and agreed with Bokuto.

"Oh! Or he can be a streamer like you and kenma!"

"Bokuto, chew your food."

"Maybe, maybe not. But we'll support him either way." You smiled. You guys ate all the meat and almost fought over the bill.

Rich Mommy (Y/N) let's go 😎

You guys walk out of the restaurant and look around the mall. You guys bumped into Atsumu with Osamu while walking around. They were bickering about something related to your soon to be born baby boy. Probably a gift maybe?

Suddenly you felt a kick on your stomach. You groaned and stopped walking, you place your hand on your stomach. You lean yourself on the wall. Soon liquid drip down your legs.

"G-guys... I think my water broke." Akaashi and Osamu whip their head around and saw you leaning on the wall for support. Bokuto and Atsumu stopped talking and looked behind them to see you with a pained expression.


"Kou, call the ambulance and Sakusa too." Akaashi helped you try to walk to the nearest exit. Bokuto called the ambulance first then he starts to call for Sakusa. Bokuto being Bokuto accidentally called a restaurant number.


"Hello, this is (restaurant name) what-"

"Oh wait, wrong number" Bokuto hang up, this time he actually called for Sakusa.


"SAKUSE (Y/N) IS GIVING BIRTH!" Bokuto screamed. Sakusa was silent for a moment then answered back.

"Very funny Bokuto, cut the cra-"

"Sakuasa-san your wife is giving birth right now!!" Sakusa got silent when he heard Akaashi on the phone. Let's just say Sakusa lost his cool and just grabbed Akira and ran of to his car.

"Right now?! Which hospital are you guys now??"

"Near the stadium just across!" Sakusa put Akira on the backseat and buckled her in the car seat. He ran the the driver's side and shove the key into the ignition and start the car. He backed out of his parking spot almost scratching someone's car. He drove of to the hospital that his beloved wife is giving birth.

After he arrived there, he picked up his daughter and ran inside. He turned his head left and right to find his friends, they were at the end of the hall by the emergency room. He ran towards them putting Akira down next to Osamu by the bench.

"Where is she? Is she okay? How long-"

"Omi Omi chill, the more you talk the more you'll have a cardiac arrest." Osamu smacked Atsumu behind his head. Sakusa sat down not even bothering to spraying the seat with disinfectant. His whole body was filled with anxiety and fear. Why is it so early? Will you be alright? Will you live? His thoughts was cut off as small hands clasps his bigger ones.

"Don't worry daddy, mommy will be alright!" Akira said as she smiled at him. Sakusa sighs as his nerves soon calm down but only a little bit. The five men and Akira wait outside for any news about (Y/N). They were also thinking of names for the baby too. And some gifts to spoil. Akira pouted in the corner, Akaashi assured her that she will get some too. After long hours, a doctor finally came out. A content smile on his face. Sakusa stood up and waltzed towards the doctor.

"Ahh, Sakusa-san. So you're the father, anyways, your wife is in good condition including the baby. Might I remind it is a boy for sure. Also your wife is in he other room. You can see her now." He said as he gestured another door. Sakusa picked up Akira and walked towards the door. He grabbed the handle and twist it open to see you lying on the bed. Holding the new addition to the Sakusa household.

"I'm tired, and I'm hungry too." You said when you noticed Sakusa by the door way. He walked up to you and looked at the baby. He puts Akira down beside you on the bed and held out his arms as you placed the little boy in his arms.

"He's a literal copy of you, like literal copy." The boy looked like him short black hair that is yet to be grown longer. Two moles on his forehead as well. But what was different was his smile. It shines brightly like yours. Even your tired state all the year round lmao. #Depression

"Akira do you like you're new brother?" Sakusa put the boy in Akira outstretched arms and cradled the baby. She stared at her baby brother and smiled.

"Yes! Can I name him Akio?" She asked, you and Sakusa looked at each other nod.

"Yeah we can name him that."


"Bokuto quiet down-"

───── ❝ Sakusa Household ❞ ─────

Hey Guys! How's it been? I hope you liked this chapter.

This will be the last chapter of this Book. Thank you guys for supporting this book and Quarantine. I hoped it satisfied your Sakusa hearts.

Sadly to say I'm moving to another fandom, as my sparked for haikyuu is slowly fading. That means the other books will be on hold for awhile till another season comes up. But that won't stop me from writing.

If you play Genshin Impact, well you're in luck cuz I have some stories in drafts that is waiting to be published. If you joined my server I have been talking about it all the time.



I hope you guys loved this chapter and cherished this to your hearts. And don't mind the shift of POVs lmao-

Yohan out~✯

-𝙎𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙨𝙖 𝙃𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙙 ˢ.ᵏⁱʸᵒᵒᵐⁱWhere stories live. Discover now