D.2 Part 8

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(YN's P.O.V)

" Gather up team. " I ordered as I entered the arena. " All right friends. We're all well aware that I'm from the Isle, right? It's a craphole. But there is one advantage that the Isle has over Auradon. There is unity in conflict, no matter the gender. " Chad leaned in from behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. " Hey (YN), hold on here, we don't, uh... We don't break the rules here in Auradon. That's over on the Isle. " He said. " You're right Chad. " I agreed. " That's why I had Ben call the sports committee to see if they'll allow him to choose his replacement. I'd like you all to give a warm welcome to our new teammate! " Loonie entered the arena to our applause, even Chad reluctantly took part. " That's all for practice today. See you all at Cotillion. " I said. " Hey (YN). " The daughter of Mulan called out while the team left. " Yeah? " I asked. " Wait until I tell my mom. " Loonie said happily. " She'd be proud of you. " I said while tapping her shoulder. " See you later rival. "

I knocked on Evie's door. " Right on time. " She said, pulling me in and showing me my fixed-up cape. " Sorry for rushing, (YN). " Evie apologized. " I have to deliver these dresses. " Of course E I understand. " I said while moving to the side of the room so she could push the rack out. " Go to your room. " Evie suggested. " There's a surprise waiting for you. " I waved her goodbye before heading back to my room, finding Chad there. " What are you doing Chad? " I asked him. " I need to borrow your chemistry textbook. " He replied. " Don't you have a digital copy? " I tried to remind him. " But my computer's dead. " The son of Cinderella reasoned. I rolled my eyes. " Fine, just give it back tomorrow morning. " 

Chad took my book but stopped to regard my mini freezer in the corner of the room. " That's awfully small for a mini-fridge. " He commented. " It's a freezer, actually. " I corrected. " Do you wanna see what's inside? You have to promise not to tell anyone. I'm trusting you and you alone. " Chad nodded excitedly as I picked up the freezer, opening it and revealing to him its contents. Inside were two glass vials of black liquid. " Some type of long-lost potion? " Chad asked. " Not at all. " I answered. " These my friend, are the very last surviving samples of Jabberwock's blood. " The son of Prince Charming chuckled nervously. " And why would you have this? " He asked. " Auradon's security, Chad. Last time I checked all the kingdoms demilitarized when the USA was founded. " I explained. " We have heroes for that, (YN). " Chad reasoned. " Where was Prince Phillip when Maleficent attacked? Taran? Genie? Fairy Godmother was disabled before she could even finish her boo. " I argued. " I guess your right. See are you later, bye! " Chad shouted as he dashed out my dorm. " Where are you going? " I questioned loudly. " On an adventure! Audrey needs me! " Chad replied. " Well tell her I said hi! " I shouted. Chad was down the hall so I doubt he heard me. Sometimes I wonder about that guy. I looked around for Evie's surprise and found a new cape on my bed. This one was an all-fake fur cape but on the back, some of the fur was colored red in order to make a heart shape. Oh it's beautiful.

Later into the night, I boarded the ship where the Coltilion was taking place. Evie and I posed together for the photographers and press. " You two look gorgeous together. " One commented. " You're all too kind. " I said while giving Evie a comforting squeeze when we changed poses. " Did you design the barrette? " Another reporter asked. I let Evie go so she could answer the question. " It's beautiful, isn't it? Um, no, it's not my creation. Many of the hair accessories this evening are by a fabulous new designer. Dizzy of the Isles. " Evie replied. " And my boyfriend's new cape made is by me. " I turned around in order to get the photographers a better view of the red coloring. Evie took my hands and dragged me away from the press. I went for a glass of punch and saw Carlos and Jane together. " It's about time! " I shouted to them, raising a glass in their honor. I got to Evie before the music stopped and the fanfare began. We all looked to the upper deck as Lumiere the former candlestick waited for the fanfare to end. " The future Lady Mal. " He declared when it did. Evie clenched my hand in anticipation. Jay, Loonie, 

Mal nervously stepped out in her Auradon-themed dress. Gold and blue does not compliment her hair at all. No wonder she went blonde for a while. We let our hands go to clap and cheer with everyone as Mal walked down the steps. " Hey, Ben is on his way. " Adam told Mal. Weird, why would Ben be late to this event of all things. " And you look beautiful. " Mal smiled and appeared less nervous with the assurance.  " I know we were shocked at first, but you... You are exactly what Ben needs. " Belle said. " And lucky for me, she doesn't go by first impressions. " Adam joked, making Belle and Mal laugh. Evie took Mal down to us, exchanging greetings. " How are you? " She asked. " I sort of feel like I'm gonna throw up. " Mal replied. " Okay, that's okay. Look. We're right here with you, okay? " Evie assured. The fanfare guys played again, gaining our attention. " King Benjamin! " Lumiere declared. " We all applauded as Ben walked down the steps. " Go get him. " Evie whispered to Mal. He wore a blue leather suit. They both bowed to each other. " Mal, I wish I had time to explain. " The king sulked. He looked back up the steps which drew our attention up once again. Out stepped Uma in a sea-themed dress. All of that effort to get these two back together, and he pulls this! 

Prince of Hearts: Evie X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now