D1 Part 12

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(YN's P.O.V)

In all honesty, this had to be the most nervous I had ever been. I had to really my paleness makeup multiple times because my hands were so trembly. I put on one of my more expensive black suits and a real red fur cape. That Cruella De Vil had gifted me a few years back for my birthday. I quickly went into my suitcase and took something out. The Knave of Hearts dagger. My father. I put the dagger into my suit.

Today was the day. The day Auradon learned that their trust in us was horribly misplaced. We had gone over the plan multiple times. After Mal grabbed the wand we would meet Evie who would steal the limo. All with the Jabberwock covering our backs. I promised to myself. My hand clothed my other hand in a desperate bid to steady myself.

" I can't be weak now. " I pleaded with myself. " Please just get yourself together so we can finish this. For my Mother. For Evie. " I then took out my phone to send a message.

Dear Audrey,

After some very emotional conversations with friends and some serious thought. I have decided to put an end to whatever this was that you called a relationship. To tell the truth. I enjoyed what little moments we had but even you must see the truth. We took advantage of each other in our own moments of weakness. I know that it's a bit of a low life decision to send a text like this instead of a face to face talk but I fear that we may never have the time after today.

Yours truly, Prince of Hearts, (YN)

I stormed through the door. As I speed-walked through the campus, I checked my watch so see how long I had before Jack fully transformed. We still had time.

(Time skip to the start of the connotation)

I stood beside Evie as the Coronation ceremony began. We were in the upper levels of the cathedral. She was wearing a be a beautiful blue dress. Trying to distract myself from the inevitable, I absorbed myself in the cathedral and my surroundings. I looked down to see Audrey glaring at me. She wouldn't understand why I had left her. But, she would soon.

My ears were fully in tune with the choir. I felt my eyes watering. Before Evie could see me I wiped my eyes with my handkerchief. I genuinely felt bad for the choir. Such beautiful and young voices. Wasted potential, now. When the villains take over now they would be forced to sing praises to their new supreme leaders.

" I'm sorry Evie. " I whispered. " Whatever happens, I just want you to know I'm sorry, for everything.

She turned to me. Her sad and heartfelt eyes meeting mine. I could see the conflict in her.

" I know (YN), please. " She replied. " Now is not the time. "

" I understand. " I said.

(Third Person)

(YN) reluctantly turned away from Evie. His eyes now on the opening doors. There stood soon to be, King Ben. His stature was straight and formal as he slowly walked the blue carpet forward.

Everyone did slight bows as he passed by. He turned and smiled at Mal. She was fidgeting a ring she had on her finger. A ring Ben gave her. The wand was in a glass case next to Fairy Godmother. Ben kneeled down as Fairy Godmother hugged Queen Belle and kindly took the crown from King Adam A.K.A Beast. Fairy Godmother placed the crown upon Ben's head. She then went to put the bless Ben with the wand. Belle removed the wand from the case, leaving it exposed.

(YN) looked to Mal. " Do it already! " He thought. " Grab the damn wand! "

His hands began to tremble. He saw the reluctant look in her eyes. (YN) turned to Evie and the others. Their faces were similar. They had changed. " Fine! " (YN) exclaimed. Everyone near him gasped as he jumped down. He rolled just in time before final impact. The Evie, Jay, and Carlos rushed to get back the first floor. (YN) looked to Ben.

" Give me the wand. " He said. Ben took a step forward. " You don't have this (YN). "

" Yes, I do! " (YN) cried. " You have no idea what it's like to be tortured, Ben.
To be driven to the point where you forget what having a heart means and how it is supposed to feel! "

(YN) turned to Audrey and grabbed her hand. He pulled her into his arms and held his dagger at her throat.
" Give me the damn wand or I'll kill her! " He shouted.

" Please, Ben just listen to him. " Audrey said with her eyes closed.

" You still have a chance, (YN). " Ben said. He took the wand from Fairy Godmother. (YN)'s face lightened up as Ben walked closer. When he got closer, (YN) twirled Audrey into Ben's arms. The wand went into the air and was caught by Mal. The wand sparked midair and blasted out a window.
" Finally let's end this. " (YN) said. He turned to Ben and smirked. " You should've known I wouldn't hurt her. "

" Mal it's alright. " Ben said, slowly stepping forward. " You don't have to this. "

" I have a choice, Ben! " Mal cried out. She was on the verge of tears.

" Mal your parents made their choice. " Ben said taking another step. " Now you make yours. "

(YN) let out a shaky breath. There was little time left. He looked to Mal. Her face a mixture of confusion and sadness.

" I choose to be good. " She said.

" What?! " We all exclaimed.

" I want to be good. " She repeated.

(YN) turned to Mal. A scared expression on his face. " You don't know that Mal. " He stuttered out.

" I know your good (YN). " Ben insisted. Judging by the look on your face you knew what you were doing was wrong and you were doubting it. You said it yourself. You could never hurt Audrey even if you wanted to even though your no longer together.

(YN) smiled and looked to his friends. They all wore thoughtful expressions on their faces. (YN) eyed Evie as both gave heartfelt expressions to each other. He now saw what he wanted to and hoped to be. All through Evie's beautiful brown eyes.

" I want to listen to my heart. " Mal blurted out. " And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents. " She then turned her attention to Jay.
" Stealing doesn't make you happy, Jay.  Tourney and, victory pizza with the team does! "

Someone in the crowd shouted "yeah!" as Mal turned to Carlos.

" What makes you happy Carlos, is scratching Dude's belly and just having as a friend. " Mal laughed out. Carlos looked to Dude and shared a nice lick in the face.

" Evie. " Mal said while taking her hand. " You don't have to act dumb to get a guy, you are so smart and talented. "

Everyone smiled as the impact of Mal's words touched them. (YN) sheathed his dagger and took a breath.

" And you, (YN). " Mal began with a bright smile. " Serving your mother doesn't make you happy. Wearing that makeup to mirror her doesn't make you happy, someone right here does, even though you won't admit it to her. It's never too late to learn how to love. "

" I choose good guys. So, what you do say? " She asked all of us.

We all looked to each other nervously.   All doubt we had in the moment was erased when Evie placed her hand on Mal's.
" Mother's gonna have my head for this. " (YN) muttered. He earned a giggle from Evie as he placed his hand on her's. One by one the rest put their hands in. Even Ben joined in. (YN) looked to Evie who was blushing madly. (YN) looked to the hands and felt her's intertwined with his. He began to blush to took a small look at Evie.

" Get a room you two. " Jay joked.

" Have some class, Jay. " (YN) replied with a laugh. Evie's face could've been mistaken for a tomato. The crowd began to applaud us. (YN) did a formal bow before the crowd. He still had a image to keep. Suddenly, one of the glass windows shattered and green smoke spewed out. We watched in horror as it formed into the last thing we needed at the moment, Maleficent, the mistress of evil.

" I'm baaaack! " She cackled gleefully. " Did you all miss me? "

Prince of Hearts: Evie X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now