D1 Part 8

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(Third Person)

The Prince of Hearts sat comfortably alone in his dorm room. Jay and Carlos were out with the rest to find Ben and give him the love cookies. In complete silence, (YN) thought. His thoughts never about much while on the Isle. It was always power fantasies, revenge, and other villain shit.

(YN) began to notice something different about himself. He just thought differently. The old stuff was still there, but, there was something new. He just couldn't pinpoint what. Was it doubt, or was it a new warmth? (YN) and Evie hadn't talked to each other about their, " moment " in the kitchen last night. Whenever he looked to her, his face reddened. (YN) smiled and went to the refrigerator in the dorm room.

" As lord Time once said, time waits for no one. " (YN) muttered.

In the refrigerator was the pumpkin pie made from the pumpkin he stole from the museum. He didn't have to worry about the pie spoiling because the curse kept it fresh at all times. (YN) knew exactly what to do. He grabbed the pie slice and his gear and rushed out the door. He ran to the arena. On his there he passed Ben who called out his name.

" Hey (YN) how are you doing? " Ben asked in a cheery attitude.

" Fine. " (YN) replied. Something wasn't right with him.

" Did you make pumpkin pie? " Ben asked. (YN) moved the pie behind his back.

" Yes, I did. (YN) answered. Ben took a step forward. " Do you have any for me? " He asked. (Name) stumbled to find an answer. " Uh, sorry. My friends already ate the rest of it so I was going to give a bit of it to Jack as an apology.

Ben laughed and gave a thumbs up. " Yeah don't worry about it. Mal already gave some cookies. " He said. (Name)its eyes went wide.

" No wonder he's extra cheery. " (Name) thought.

" Ben, have you been feeling well? " (YN) asked.

" I've felt great! Did I ever tell you about my crush on Mal? " Ben asked.

" Please no. " (YN) said.

Ben then started rambling on about how great Mal is until (YN) interrupted him.

" I know Ben, I know. But, how is the museum? I've heard that it's great this time of year. " He said. (Name) wanted to test the boundaries of the potion.

Even if it failed, Ben was too naive to rightly accuse him.
" Oh, the museum is great, lots of history. Someone did steal the poisoned pumpkin though. I kept it a secret to avoid panic. It couldn't have been you because there's no way you would do something like that. " Ben rambled on.

(YN) laughed internally. The love potion really did work. He bid Ben adieu then began walking to the stadium with the pie slice in hand.

When he got to the stadium, Jack was practicing with someone. " Hello, Mr. Hearts. " The coach said. " Greetings coach. " (YN) replied as he bowed.

" Do you have time for a match? If you win I'll consider putting you on the team. " The coach asked. (Name) smiled. " As you wish. " He then walked to the locker room to change.

(YN) viewed changing into the swordsmanship uniforms as a necessary evil, even though he was fully capable of fighting in his usual attire. His uniform was black and red of course, unlike the others with their blue and yellow. The rest of the tryouts went to the stands. It was only (YN), the coach, and his opponent.

" Good luck. " His opponent said.

(YN) looked to see it was none other than Pearson Pan.

" I think you will need it more than me. " (YN) replied.

(YN) then assumed his signature stance. (The Count Dooku stance). The buzzer then sounded, beginning the match. (YN) began slowly walked toward Pearson, sword still pointed downward. Pearson, not knowing what to do began stepping back, his sword held defensively. Suddenly, (YN) spin struck Pearson. He was able to block it but was knocked off balance. (YN) then charged with an upward slash knocking Pearson's sword out of his hand. Much to (YN)'s surprise, Pearson backflipped and grabbed his sword in mid-air. He did take after his father.

" Impressive, most impressive. " (YN) said. " You want something impressive? " Pearson asked. " Then I'll show you something impressive. He then charged with an unnaturally fast-flying kick. (YN) knew almost immediately what was happening. Pearson was using some of his Father's powers. Luckily, (YN) was still a tiny bit faster. He then skidded to the side and stuck his arm out. The arm clipped Pearson in the face, knocking him down. As soon as Pearson got onto his knees to jump up, he felt a poke on his chest from (YN)'s rapier, ending the match.

" How? " Pearson asked.

" Your theatrical powers are insignificant compared to my skill. " (YN) replied.

" Bravo, Mr. Hearts. Bravo! " The coach exclaimed. " I think you have earned your spot on the team. "

" Thank you, sir. " (YN) said. You will never regret it.

He then walked to the stands to grab the pie slice. He walked to Jack.

" Hello, Jack. " (YN) greeted.

" Hi, (YN) congrats. " Jack said. " Your the first new addition to the team. "

" Thank you. " (YN) replied. I have full confidence you and Pearson could make the team. "

(YN) only meant part of that. Pearson could definitely get in but Jack, he needed a lot more practice.

" I brought you some pie. It's an apology for what happened a few days ago. " (YN) said. He then handed it to Jack, who took it reluctantly. " Thank you. I was getting hungry. " Jack said. He then picked up the Pie and started eating it.

" Alright, see you later. " (YN) said smiling. He then ran to the locker room, changed, and ran out with a grin on his face. It would take days for him to transform. When he did, (YN) would be there to take control.

(Thank you guys for waiting I'm sorry the chapter took so long to get out. Homework really is a bitch. Now that I have a Thanksgiving break ill try and do at least three new chapters by the end. Thank you all for the support. Remember, Long Live Evil.)

Prince of Hearts: Evie X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now