Think About Her

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Toni wakes up at 7 o'clock in the morning. She checks her phone and places it back down on the table. Although there relationship has been changing Shelby always texts Toni good morning. Toni starts running through last night. She should have at least made sure Shelby got home safe or something. She hates that her anger gets the better of her.

She stand up and walks to the bathroom. She has an hour before school. She turns on the shower and steps into the hot water. She like showering it's sort of calming in a way but can wake you up at the same time. She finishes showering and gets ready for school.

Shelby wakes up at 6 in the morning. She never really be able to sleep good and it's been getting worse and worse. She already hears her parents down stairs quietly starting breakfast and making coffee. She ignores her phone. Not wanting to think about Toni yet.

Shelby walks into the bathroom and turns on the shower. She quickly showers. Scrubbing her skin till it's red. She doesn't like showers. Showers give her time to think. Thinking to much isn't good. After showering she puts on clothes and makeup. She walks downstairs to join her family at exactly 7:30 and is greeted with bacon and eggs. She watches as her dad is swaying her mom to some country Christian song.

"So Shelby anything happening today?" Her dad says giving her a kiss on the head. "Yea me and dot need to study after school today if that's okay?" She ask. "Of course just let us know when your driving home okay?" Her mother says gesturing to eggs. Shelby shakes her head no.

Shelby gets in her car and drives to school after breakfast has finished.

Toni walks into school Martha following soon after. "Nora that Quinn guys is eyeing you again." She hears from behind her. Nora and Quinn have been... flirting or at least something like it. They just kinda stare at each other in class. But they both seem to enjoy it so.

Nora just nods in response looking at him. Toni just wants to walk her up to him and help her out but she lets it be for now.

But it seems like Fatin has other plans. "Hey guys okay here's the plan." She huddles Toni, Martha, Rachel, and Leah into a circle. "Just because you have a girlfriend now doesn't mean you can play match maker." Toni says. Fatin and Leah told the group about them a week ago. Which just earned sarcastic shock and real shock from Shelby and Martha.

"At least I've got one." She says slinging an arm around Leah. "Okay so the plan. During lunch I'm going to get lost Romeo over there to sit at our table. Toni I know you love sitting with us but I'm gonna need you to sit this lunch out." She says grabbing Toni by the shoulders. "Sorry we need the room." Fatin says giving her a weak smile. "Great your kicking me out of the table and I won't get to see the magic happen." Toni says. She actually doesn't have anywhere else to go. She figures maybe she will try to get into the p.e class and shoot some hoops.

Fatin continues talking about plan with everyone. The bell eventually rings and everyone goes to there own classes.

Toni is relieved more than anything when she hears Shelby's voice during the announcements.

Shelby goes to her classes not that she can really focus on any. With everything that happened Sunday night all she can think about is Toni. She defiantly needs to talk to her.

She needs to talk to Andrew too. She hasn't seen him all day. He usually avoids her when he's still mad. She heads to lunch. She doesn't really know we're to go when Andrew isn't with her. So she walks over to the girls lunch table only to find it full with two people she doesn't recognize. She then realizes that one of them is Mateo. She hasn't see him in so long she doesn't realize it's him at first.

She walks over to the group anyway. "Hey guys!" She says standing awkwardly. "Hey shelbs how's it hanging?" Dot says. "Uh good." She stand there awkwardly for a few seconds.

"Hey I think Toni wanted to talk to you. She's in the gym." Fatin says pointing towards the gym. She gives her a looks Shelby can't place. She starts walking toward the gym. Even though she doesn't really want to have the conversation. She doesn't know how to feel.

Toni is throwing free throws when Shelby walks in. She looks like she's been practicing hard. When Toni notices Shelby she grabs her water bottle and stands in the middle of the court eyeing Shelby.

Shelby not know what to do starts with something off topic. "Hot as hades out there." She still holding her lunch tray which she then puts on the ground. "Every religion has there version of hell."

"Stop Shelby." Toni says she takes a final sip of water then walks towards Shelby. "I don't know what your doing you ignore me all day and now your hovering." Toni is clearly angry. Shelby sees it in her eyes. Shelby doesn't know what to say to this. She herself doesn't know what she's doing. "I can't drop this life I have created Toni. All these people expect me to be this good Christian girl." Shelby can feel tears welling in her eyes. She can she Toni is having a hard time to. "My dad wouldn't-"

"Who fucking cares what your dad thinks?!" Toni burst out throwing the basketball across the room. "Your dad is a bigot who doesn't want his daughter to be happy." Toni is fuming now. "Get out."

"Toni." Shelby is about to go on when Toni turns and walks back to the center of the gym. "I said get out Shelby!" She can see a small change when Toni's voice suddenly goes to a whisper. Shelby can just hear when Toni says "I don't want to hurt you."

Shelby collects her lunch tray from the ground. Still full and will stay full for the rest of lunch time. She takes one final look back to Toni. Who is now knocking over a ball rack. She's quietly leaves before she hears a loud thud hit the gym floor. She spends the rest of the day thinking about the hurt she has caused. About how she knows how it can end. For the rest of the day she can only think about her.

Hey guys I know I know I'm so so so so so sorry but I really went into a funk and I couldn't write. I'm trying so hard with school to write this but yea I want to continue. And I'm sorry I know I have people who love this so I will continue. I hope your having a good day! Love you all!

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