Hopeless Romantics

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Primrose's POV:

New years day: a moment shared by the entire planet when the euphoric rush from the previous night crashes into a peaceful morning of relaxing and peace. Tangled up in Harrys hold, we lay in silent harmony, him peacefully asleep and me peacefully listening to the melodic rhythm of his heart beating. The steady rise and fall of his chest never felt as fairytale as it did now: he was alive in his most precious and simple state, holding me as close to his chest as possible with our arms plaited together.

I've felt many things in my life, and this indescribable high I feel when I'm with him, this consuming love I want to show him constantly, this comfort and joy I receive from him as we continue to grow closer... this tops them all.

The house was silent, the only noises being the awakening nature from outside the windows that were letting small beams of fresh sunshine light the room to a relaxed warmth. A lot happened last night. A lot was said. A lot was done. A lot was regretted. As much as I want this moment to only be filled with happiness, I cannot help but feel the nag of guilt and hatred I'm showing towards myself. I'm in a mental conflict with myself, half of me saying Primrose, you were drunk and he forgave you. This was all just a big accident. and the other half saying You fucked up - big time. This man admitted his love for you and you choose to accuse him of lying, then hit him, then throw up in his toilet?!

"I know you're awake." A voice whispered lowly from behind me, the slight rasp in his deep morning voice making me smile. Harry nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck, his breath dancing over my exposed skin, chilling the heat he was radiating upon me. "Happy New Year." Harry says quietly, kissing repetitive, soft kisses lazily into my skin.

I hum at the affection, squeezing his arm that was resting in my hand tighter to return it. "How did you know I was awake?" I speak for the first time, Harrys lips moving down my neck, now feathering against my shoulder. His hand moved next to his face, stroking soft lines on the curve of my arm as he showered me with love.

"I can hear you thinking." He coos. "You breathe heavier when you think."

"That's really something you notice about me?" I question in slight disbelief, my heart tingling from the minimal change in me he took such an interest to.

Harry nods against my body, keeping his lips pressed against my skin as he did. "Of course. I love you, especially the little things like that."

I love you too, Harry. Hopefully one day I'll hype myself up enough to tell you.

"You think a lot, and when it's internal you tend to furrow your eyebrows the slightest bit. You blink a lot more, your eyelashes flutter like butterflies sometimes which I love. And, you breathe heavier. I've been laying for ages just listen to you breathe, wondering at what could possibly have your beautiful mind working so hard at such a quiet hour."

It's amazing to me - how he notes so many things of me. Harry as always been one for observation, he focuses heavily on minor body behaviour to read how someone is feeling. He's always known when something is bothering me, even when I haven't told him anything is wrong, and even when I didn't even know anything was wrong.

Intelligent. Harry is extremely intelligent. Everything he speaks, he speaks with such passion and seriousness, caring about every single conversation he takes part in. When he asks how are you? I know he is genuinely curious, ready to hear me pour out the deepest, darkest, most twisted parts of my soul to him if necessary.

I love him for that.

I love him for everything he does.

Sometimes, I do question his motives - like why last night he tried to make me say that I loved him through sexual actions, or why he didn't believe me when I told him I didn't kiss Dan optionally. But then, I remember the night in Jamaica when he without even hesitating came to my aid. That decision alone saved me, and changed both of our lives for the better. Even though I may not understand the way his complex mind works, I know that he does. And I know that he would never truly want to harm me, nor would he do something that would risk causing me any sort of distress.

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