My World

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A/N: I'm sad today so here u go

Primrose's POV:

Today, Harry was having a Capital radio interview regarding the album and his tour coming up in a few weeks. I had the radio playing behind the bar whilst I served customers, waiting for 3pm to approach. In a weird way, I was nervous for him. The amount of pressure he must hold to know millions of people are listening to him is too much for me to even begin to comprehend.

The minutes slowly ticked down, and my excitement only grew. Harry doesn't know I'm listening - it's a surprise. He told me to focus on my work today, because the radio interview is work for him, and he doesn't want me to worry about his job. I told him he was completely, utterly right, and I will spend today only focusing on my job, which, he believed.

Angel came skipping through the front door with two coffee's I'd sent him to get, his hair blowing in the slight summer breeze. "One decaf mocha." Angel placed the cup down in front of me, standing up proudly like a little boy who'd completed a chore for his mum.

I watched as he pulled open a stool at the bar, and began scrolling through his phone. The lines on his forehead deepened as his eyebrows furrowed heavily over his eyes, creating a sour expression. Angel huffed in frustration, as he slammed his phone down on the bar and took a long sip of his coffee. His harsh frown soon melted away into a scrunched up ball as the boiling liquid burnt his mouth. "Fuck sake." He mumbled to himself, hanging his tongue out his mouth like a dog to cool it.

"What's got you all huffy?" I query, taking the lid off my drink and blowing on the dark brown liquid. Angel scowls at me as if I was mocking him - which, I was slightly - before sitting up and brushing his hair from his face.

"Stupid Phoenix." He begins, rolling his eyes to himself because the sheer mention of this name made him disgusted. "Won't stop messaging me after the date we went on."

My breath heaves out my mouth down onto my coffee, splatting the hot drink all over Angel as I fail to hold back my laugh. "Phoenix?" I say as composed as I can keep, grabbing a napkin and passing it to Angel. "That's... interesting."

"Don't give me shit about his name, Primrose." Angel scolds, snatching the white square of tissue from me and dabbing his skin. "Ugh! My tans going to go patchy." Angel complains, holding his arm up into the natural light to see the small splats of natural skin showing through his fake tan. "I think his name is unique."

"What was wrong with your date?" I change the subject, securing the lid back on my drink. Taking a small sip, I raise and lower my eyebrows at Angel, bragging that I didn't burn myself.

"The date was amazing." Angel says simply. "It's what happened after the date."

"What happened? Did his big, Phoenix wings get in the way of you hugging? Or did his beak make kissing extremely painful?" I tease, taking another innocent sip of my drink.

"Does Harry's constant, busy schedule and fame make it difficult for you to spend time with him?" Angel spits, locking his eyes dead on mine.

I take a small gasp of shock in, feeling all the colour drain from my face. My eyelashes batter against each other a few times, trying to block out the tears forming quickly. Angels comment hurt, a lot. I know I was making fun of him, but I thought it was all just fun and games. I swallow harshly, pushing down the lump in my throat and I watch as Angels face becomes concerned.

"Primmy, I'm sor-,"

"No, it's fine." I brush off the situation, not wanting to talk about it anymore. "Tell me about Phoenix."

Angel looks at me for a few seconds, almost debating to himself if he should continue with his story. "Well..." he says hesitantly. "I walked him home, and we were outside his house, and he was like 'do you want to come in?' So I did, and when I tell you this man's house looked like the planet of shit from E.T!" Angel laughs, "I was like 'oh, darn it. My boss just called - I have to do an early shift tomorrow.' And then I swiftly departed from the premises."

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