Beautiful Vulnerability

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A/N: This chapter is VERY long. I am very sorry about that.

Thankyou for 3K reads!! Love you all so much x

Primrose's POV:

My eyes fluttered open as the warm, morning sunlight beamed though the gap in the curtains. 'What time is it?' I thought to myself, reaching to check my phone. However, my arm was trapped. Peering under the cover, my whole body was wrapped in Harry's large, dominant arm, being held close to his body. I could feel the heat of his chest radiating against my back, as our legs were intertwined with one another.

Carefully peering over my shoulder, I saw the cutest little teddy bear ever. Sleeping Harry was so beautiful: his brown curls flopped over his face, as his eyes hooded shut. I could feel his breath against my shoulder. In and out. In and out. In and out. I felt so safe, so protected. It was as if nothing else existed. It was just me and him, in this moment. Nothing could get to us, nothing could hurt us. Nuzzling my head into his arm, I closed my eyes again - absorbing the moment.

But, once I'm awake, I'm awake. Every few minutes I would gingerly reposition myself slightly, or clear my throat, or move my foot against his leg. Each time I did, I desperately tried to be as quiet as possible, trying not to wake Harry up. But alas, I failed.

"I know you're awake." Harry said, tightening his grip on me slightly as his morning voice rattled my soul. It was raw, thick, husky. He sounded like a totally different person.

"No I'm not." I lied, squeezing my eyes shut. I felt the bed dip slightly, as Harry gazed over my shoulder to see my face. Peering out the corner of my eye, I watched as he placed his chin on my shoulder.

"Don't lie, Prim." Harry teases, kissing my shoulder lightly. "Why didn't you get up?" He asks quietly.

"I didn't want to wake you - you were so cute asleep, and our bodies were all... Uhh... you know..." I say awkwardly. What the hell is wrong with me?! This always happens. I unintentionally get awkward. It's like my body's version of fight or flight.

"Touching?" Harry asks, tilting his head slightly to look at me.

"Yeah, that." I smile. I bury my head further into Harry's shoulder, embarrassed at my sheer existence. "I hate myself." I mumble into the pillow.

I feel the bed dip again, as Harry moves his chin from my shoulder. Using the arm he had wrapped around my body, he rolled me over and gently pulled my body to face him. My arms were pinned against my chest and his, as I stared at his emeralds. A small grin quirked across Harry's face while he weaved his leg in between mine again. "You're so cute." He smiled.

Feeling my cheeks blush, I lay my forehead against Harry's chest. "Thank you." I blurred out. I. Hate. Myself.

"Prim..." Harry began, kissing the top of my head. I hummed back in response, too humiliated to move my head. "I'm so sorry, I totally forgot - I have a fitting today. Would you mind coming along? You can stay here if you like?" Harry explains to me, and I can tell he's feeling guilty.

Moving my head back up, my eyes lock on Harry's. "Don't apologise. You let me stay with you for an entire week - you can't put your whole life on hold just for me. I would be more than happy to come." I smile warmly. "What store is it?"

"Gucci." Harry says calmly, and a rocket of fear shoots though my body. I feel the colour drain from my face as my eyes widen.

"Gucci?" I check I heard him right.

"Gucci." Harry repeats.

"Harry, I can't go to Gucci." I sit up in the bed, leaning my back against the headboard. Harry's arm was now resting over my legs, as my feet sat comfortably between his thighs. "Look at me. I'm not Gucci material. That's a store for people who have money or know fashion. I am neither of those things." I say frantically. "I need to find something to wear." I say to myself, turning to get out the bed. Harry throws his other arm over my legs and pins me down. He snakes them up to my waist until he has a firm hold of me, and lightly pulls me back down so my back is against his chest.

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