II - Chapter 6

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Daisy POV

Frantically hitting the floor with my foot, I watched as Isabel's expression has quickly changed from worry and fear, only to settle itself on disappointment, which oddly enough stung. I chewed on my inner cheek, not used to the guilt, and shame her intense gorgeous eyes have awoken inside of me.

I told her everything.

There was no avoiding the truth, she wasn't stupid... Heck, she was too smart for my own good. And so, I decided not to lie, denying the fact that it was never an option in the first place.

After a couple of minutes of initial shock, she began analyzing. Her well-groomed eyebrows furrowed as her nose scrunched, while those beautiful marbles lost themselves inside of her mind. Isabel was a smart girl, she could go places, and it certainly wasn't going to be wasted on me - Not on my watch.

"Stop it, Isabel..." I muttered almost beggingly, which wasn't something I've ever done. So why did I?

She didn't seem to register my words still thinking of a solution, which I already knew didn't exist. Feeling tired and weak I got up and shook her slender shoulder.

"No," she gritted her teeth. "We can fix it," she spoke to herself.

I bit onto my bottom lip and gave her arm a gentle squeeze. "A person is dead, accident or not, it's a bit too late to fix anything," I told her the obvious.

Suddenly her eyes snapped into mine, fury sparkling inside of them. "That's why I wanted to stay!" she yelled and pushed against my chest. "Why didn't you let me stay, you stupid, stupid and again stupid fucking girl!" tears forming in her eyes, but it wasn't like Alexis. No, hers were tearing up from the rage and frustration she felt because of me.

"Why?! Because of this Isabel, shit like this follows me everywhere!" I resorted back. "Don't you get it? I walk with a devil on my shoulder, bad luck follows me everywhere!" I screamed growing hot.

I was beginning to feel angry, my thoughts full of concern. What if I was going to snap at her? What if I hurt her?

Dropping down I brought my legs onto my chest, pulling myself into a fetal position in an attempt to calm myself down - If I hurt her again, If I raise my hand on her... I just knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

She hasn't approached me for a good minute, which I was thankful for, desperately needing a second.

"Daisy," she began softly, taking a seat next to me.

We were in her bedroom, where we agreed to meet up after her message. I suppose no one really cared for school today.

"Go away," I muttered, face still buried in my knees.

She forced herself onto my laps as her hands entangled themselves behind my neck. "You know I won't, why bother," she remarked in all seriousness.

Sighing I felt helpless. I wanted to distance myself, but this girl was too fucking stubborn to let that happen.

"I'm a disaster waiting to happen, is that perhaps what gets you off?" I inquired sarcastically, but deep inside I really wanted to know, why was she so adamant about staying around me.

She searched my eyes, not amused by my little remark, an instant regret washing over me – How could she make me feel this way? I never regretted anything, not even Jack's death. Sure, the second it happened I knew we fucked up big time, but regret wasn't the emotion I felt.

So how did she do that?

"Yeah whatever," she muttered and leaned in, resting her head against the crook of my neck.

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