Chapter 4

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Alexis POV

"Ugh..." I huffed with annoyance. 

How come all the books were the same size, but then there was this one fucking random-sized book that just didn't make any sense... Smashing the locker door I turned away not being able to look at the odd imperfection any longer. 

"Gee, what's up with you," Sammy commented behind my shoulder. I pushed him away and mumbled some words even I didn't understand. "What?" he questioned, puzzled by my behavior.

"This!" I opened my locker and pointed at the oddly shaped long thin book, "F-fuck is this?"

Sammy smiled softly with compassion. My friends never commented or pointed out my weird OCD behaviors, which I was grateful for, because it's not something to be proud of, and I hated talking about it.

Though, oh my God this book made no sense it was driving me insane! Heck, I swear it would trigger anyone. 

"It's one for English ye? World-famous poems... Maybe we can ask Ms. Jones if you could keep it in the class. I'm quite certain we will be using a lot of additional books for that subject, it could be a problem," Sammy pointed out, concerned for my wellbeing.

He made a good point but asking for such a thing would make me look like a weirdo... Oh, who am I kidding she already saw me pointing a tree branch at her stomach, this couldn't get any worse!

"Fine," I agreed and placed the horrendous book inside of my black leather backpack. "Where's Daisy?" I questioned looking around the hallway, without a sight of my petite Asian friend.

"Oh, she went to the toilet, l told her we will wait at the cafeteria," Sam shrugged and waited for me to put my backpack on.

It was currently twelve-fifteen and our lunch break ended at one. Today we started with biology, math, and economy. After the lunch break, we will have two hours of our advanced classes, and then there's detention...

We were walking through the hallway, till suddenly someone bumped into Sam knocking him down onto the floor.

"Hey!" I snapped irritated. I looked at my friend who was already pulling himself up.

"Well, well, well, isn't it great?" I flinched at the sound of a recognizable voice - Looking up I saw Jack standing in front of us. "You little shits, are quite an ungrateful bunch. Causing me problems with the principal," he hissed.

"Fuck off man, just leave us alone," Sammy countered, his cheeks growing a shade of red.

Jack walked up closer in our direction and pushed Sam's shoulder making him move backward. "Or what?" he challenged with an evil grin plastered on his stupid face.

I looked around hoping to see a teacher, but unfortunately, there was none. Instead, the hall was packed with students walking by, avoiding us like a plague. I clenched my jaw to the sides, I wanted to tell him off so badly, but I knew I would only make a bigger fool of myself. I had to believe Sam could handle it, even though he wasn't good when it came to this sort of situation. My friend was a cheerful and carefree guy who just like me avoided trouble - It wasn't his thing.

"You retards have to learn how this school works," Jack growled. "No one and I mean. No. One. Challenges me like you did yesterday." This time he was talking to me. "I'm a captain of the football team and an A student if you fucks cause me any more trouble I will make your life miserable," he warned through gritted teeth.

I was speechless and quite frankly scared, he was being serious and could easily beat us up.

"Do we have a problem?" I looked to my left. Daisy was already standing by my side giving me a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. If it wasn't for being at school, I would be beyond happy to have her, but hell... I could not allow her to get aggressive in here. She could get expelled.

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