Chapter 28

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Alexis POV

"Alexis a minute please?" Mark addressed me as I walked up the staircase towards my room.

I prayed it was not anything serious, already being stressed out by the idea of going to the party this evening.

"Follow me, it won't take long," he assured noticing my discomfort.

I sighed dropping my shoulders resignedly and threw my backpack back on. I was so ready to just drop onto my bed after a long day at school and relax before Caroline comes to pick me up, but clearly, I could never get a break.

We went downstairs towards his office, I felt rather anxious being there without my friends because it meant whatever he needed was specifically aimed towards me.

"Please take a seat, I will get into it right away," he informed me as he shuffled through a folder placed on his desk.

I did as ask and tapped my finger against my jeans in a nervous manner.

Once he finished, finding whatever it was he needed, he sat down himself and observed me with what I would call a slight pity – I hated that look.

"So, how are you, Alexis, we haven't spoken much in the past weeks..."

I rolled my eyes feeling comfortable enough to express my displeasure. "Don't," I said shortly, but sternly.

Mark twitched his nose and sighed. "Fine, fine... There's something we need to talk about, I don't want to make it too serious as of yet, however, I want you to think about it," he stopped and looked into my eyes. "Like really think about it, okay?"

I frowned not wanting to agree to something I might not want to do but gave him a nod to proceed.

"There's a family that might be interested in you, I've been in touch with them for the last few weeks and they seem to be determined and willing to arrange a meetup." I turned my head to the side not wanting to listen further knowing where this was heading. "Alexis, just give it a shot..." he continued his voice softer. "We are running out of time here - I really want to ensure your future and safety. There aren't many families who would be willing to adopt or take care of teens at your age... We cannot lose this opportunity."

I chewed on my inner cheek, knowing that he was right, but not being able to imagine leaving Sammy and especially Mason behind... living with strangers. Why would they want me? I didn't want to meet anymore new people, the past few months have been incredibly tough and hectic, with all the new relationships I've made. Right now, I needed time to process it all and stabilize my life. I only just began to feel comfortable around Ann, and not anxious about going to work.

Fully aware he would not let me out of this office, before giving him some sort of compromising answer, I decided to agree to a meetup.

"One m-m-meeting, o-okay?" I muttered against my better judgment.

Mark smiled brightly and exclaimed, "You won't regret this! I will take care of everything and give you a heads up. It's a good decision, Alexis."

Shrugging I allowed myself to be excused and left his office, my throat and stomach tightened, and I wished so much I could go and see Vanessa, even if for a minute. She had this amazing ability to make everything stressful and bad temporarily leave my mind.

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