Part 21

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Yena:"There is only one solution. You have to go to your own school"


Yena:"Sorry Sis. But I can't do anything in this. And If Mom Dad knows the real reason, that'll be my last day in this house."

Y/n:"You didn’t tell them the real reason?"

Yena gave here a 'Are you serious?' look.

Yena:"Seriously Y/n? Do you think they would have gave me permission to go to your school if I told the real reason that I'm dating your bully?"

Y/n:"So what did you told them?"

Yena:"I told them that, I just want to see the education system here, so I want to go to your school to to see that. And unexpectedly they agreed"

Y/n:"You didn’t even tell me anything about this. I thought you sayed the real cause", she said pouting.

Yena:"That's not the main discussion now. So look I have to go to my school.  I can't send you there for three reasons. First, my first impression is important. Second, Our both school time is different. So there is no chance that we can exchange school. Moreover Mom Dad recognises us easily. Remember?"

Y/n nodded.

Yena:"And third, Mom Dad will never allow this, cuz the reason I gave won't help in this situation anymore. So the final decision is, You have to go to your school"

Y/n sighed and said,"What about Jungkook?"

Yena:"You have to handle yourself. I'll tell you some things you need to do. It Won't be that difficult"

Y/n:"What are the things I have to do?"

Yena:"Just the regular things me and Jungkook do everyday. You have to do those so it won't be different from other days"


Yena:"Like You'll hug him in the morning. Feed him lunch, he'll feed you too, remember it. And before coming home give a peck on his cheek. He'll also give you. That's it. Other things, you can handle them as it'll be normal"

Y/n wasn’t thinking about all these. She's just thinking about Jungkook. When she'll go to school again, the situation won't be like before. The main difference will be Jungkook.

Yena:"Hey don't be worried. Everything will be fine"

Y/n smiled and nodded. To her surprise she wasn’t worried nor scared. She was somehow excited.

Next day-

Y/n entered the school feeling something different. She's not familiar with this feeling at all. She went to her locker while looking at her surroundings. She realised that she actually missed this very much. When she was about to take out her books, she saw Jungkook entering the hallway. She remembered Yena told her to hug him. She started taking slow steps towards him feeling nervous but not scared at all.

Jungkook was walking with his head hung low. Suddenly he felt someone hugging him. He realised immediately who it was.


Y/n:"G-good morning Jungkook", she said hugging him tightly.

Jungkook suddenly became very joyful and he immediately hugged her back. He was smiling continuesly. He found the warmth, the love, the care in her embrace which he was searching for the past few days. He closed his eyes and snuggled in her neck still smiling broadly.

Y/n was confused but didn’t said anything and stayed still. Jungkook wasn’t showing any intrest to let go of her.

Suddenly the bell rang.


Jungkook:"Yes Darling?"

Y/n blushed on his words.

Y/n:"Umm... T-the bell rang a-already. L-let's go to class"

Jungkook:"No. Let's stay like this alittle more"


Jungkook:"Please Y/n ah", he said in a begging voice.

Y/n stopped hearing his voice. So she just buried her face in his chest more. It will be a lie if she say that She's not feeling loved in his arms.

Jungkook began to stroke her hair and said,"You know, I'm feeling like trapping you in my arms forever. I don't want to let you go"

Y/n:"Me neither", she said almost whispering so Jungkook Won't hear her.

But someone coughed from behind. They let go of each other and looked at the person behind them. It was Jimin, late as always. Jungkook gave him a annoyed glare.

Jungkook:"You literally disturbed this sweet moment"

Y/n looked down feeling embarrassed.

Jimin:"I thought you guys didn’t realise that the bell rang. So...."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. Jimin understood there is no point of standing there getting more late as Jungkook is not showing any sign of going to the class. So he proceeded to go to classroom. Y/n was also about to go but Jungkook held her hand. Y/n turned to him.

Jungkook didn’t said anything, just started dragging her somewhere.

Y/n:"J-Jungkook... Where are you d-dragging me?"

Jungkook didn’t sayed anything. After awhile she understood that they were going to the rooftop.

As soon as they entered, Jungkook hugged her immediately burying his face on her neck. A shiver ran down Y/n's spine as Jungkook's lips was attached with her neck and his hot breath was stinging on there creating a ticklish Session.



Y/n:"W-what about our c-class?"

Jungkook:"Fuck that. I want to hold you more. I still didn’t get enough of you. I want more. I'll hug you until I'm satisfied."

Y/n didn’t sayed anything, just hugged him back. Jungkook was hugging her like if he let her go, she'll vanish.

After awhile, Jungkook pulled away, just alittle. He placed his forehead on Hers and stared at her lovingly. Y/n was looking down as she was feeling too shy to look at him in the eyes.

Jungkook:"Y/n ah"


Jungkook:"Look at me please"

Y/n slowly looked up at him. His eyes were shining like galaxy. She got lost in his eyes which was full of love. Jungkook leaned alittle and kissed her cheek.

Y/n blushed and looked down. Her lips were trembling due to shyness. Jungkook brought up his hand and grabbed her jawline making her look at him again. Jungkook's eyes roamed around her whole face. Her eyes were staring at him innocently. Her cheeks were red due to blushing. And her red lips were trembling. Jungkook realised that It's really his Y/n, the girl he loves. His eyes fell on her lips again. Those were looking so tempting making Jungkook impatient to taste them. He brought his thumb upon her lips and rubbed it softly.



Y/n started at him silently. He looked at her lips again and said,"Y/n ah....... Can I kiss you?"

[Thank you for reading it]

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