Part 50

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Jungkook:"How could you do this to me Y/n ah?", he said his tears started pouring down like a fountain.

He saw Taehyung kissing the girl again after putting her down. Jungkook closed his eyes as he couldn’t bear the scene anymore. After awhile he opened his eyes and saw them going to somewhere while smiling lovingly at each other. Jungkook smiled bitterly and sayed,"So your love over Taehyung didn’t fade away huh?"

Then he suddenly saw Jimin coming in that way while running so he thought of getting away from there. He just want to be alone.

He turned to his home direction and started walking while his head was hung low and tears kept running down.

Time skip-

Jungkook opened the door with a heavy heart but got hugged by someone tightly. He sensed it was Y/n and his heart started paining. He was feeling like crying Again but controlled himself and hugged her back.

Y/n:"Where were you? I came back early for you"

Jungkook:"Outside just for a walk"

Y/n pulled away as she sensed his voice different. She scrunched her eyebrows when she saw his eyes.

Y/n:"Koo...what's wrong with your eyes? Why is it so red?", she said caressing his left cheek.

Jungkook:"N-nothing", he said looking away.

Y/n:"Did.. Did you you cry?"

Jungkook smiled alittle and said,"No no. Why would I? It's a very happy day for me isn’t it?"

Y/n nodded slowly but she still didn’t believe him.

Jungkook:"So...where were you Y/n ah?"

Y/n:"Oh well...I went to the nearby lake with Mark. It was really beautiful you know? We should also go there someday.", she said smiling happily.

But there was only one word going on Jungkook's mind and it was 'Lies'. He smiled coldly and said,"Sure"

Y/n:"Koo Let's go to your room. I want to cuddle! And I'm feeling alittle sleepy too. I'm soo tired"

Jungkook nodded while looking at another way and said,"Let's go"

He started heading towards the stairs but Y/n looked at him confusedly. She thought,'Is something wrong? He was okay this morning'

She shrugged it off and went to his room and saw him lying on his bed staring at the celling blankly. She also went to him and laid on his chest.

Jungkook took a glance on her and then looked away.

Y/n:"Koo hug me Please...otherwise I'm feeling I'll fall down"

Jungkook wrapped his hands around her without any emotion. Y/n smiled and went closer to his face and pecked his lips. She then nuzzled in his neck and said,"Koo? Can I ask you something?"


Y/n:"How did you fell in love with me?"

Jungkook stayed silent for a moment and then started saying,"It was 3 years back....I was in California for some business purpose. After the works were done I was coming out from the company but thought of walking around abit so I decided to go the near by park. There was a lake in there and there I saw you..."

Y/n:"Wait Koo...what are you saying?"


Y/n:"I Have never been in California before", she said getting up.

Jungkook looked at her with confused face.

Jungkook:"What? Then...was it Yena?", he said as he felt anxious.

TWINS with TWINS // Jungkook FF 21+ Where stories live. Discover now