Part 37

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Jungkook and Y/n entered Jungkook's room.

Y/n:"Woah...your room is so beautiful. Though It's dark coloured but still..."

Jungkook backhugged her and said,"I know...our room is very good"

Y/n:"Our?", she said looking at him while placing her hands on his which were now wrapped around her stomach.

Jungkook:"Hmm. Whatever is mine is yours too baby"

Y/n smiled and looked in the front again. She went towards the bed and jumped on it.

Y/n:"Woah so soft"

Jungkook chuckled. He went towards the mirror and started fixing his hair.



Y/n:"Don't you have side pillows?"

Jungkook:"No...I don't need them much"

Y/n:"How do you even sleep without them? I can't sleep without hugging something at all", she said and pout.

Jungkook chuckled again and said,"You can hug me while sleeping."

Y/n blushed and looked away.

Jungkook:"You know today you're reminding me of Nayeon"

Y/n:"Nayeon? Who's that?"

Jungkook:"Oh! I dated her for a few months. Usually I don’t date someone so long but she was cute and very childish...kinda like you. So I-"

Jungkook stopped when he saw Y/n glaring at him through the mirror. Jungkook's eyes widened when he realised what he said. He thought,'What the fuck Jungkook!! Who talks about their exs to their girlfriend. You dumb!!'

Jungkook:"Erm baby....actually... Ahh forget about her. So should I buy some side pillows?"

Y/n turned to the othet side back facing him and crossed her arms over her chest pouting being mad at him.

Y/n:"Hmmmpp. You don’t need to do anything. I guess you don’t even need me"

Jungkook went towards her and tried to backhugg her but Y/n Won't let him.

Jungkook:"Y/n ah...I'm sorry. It just slipped from my mouth"

Y/n:"Why are you saying sorry to me? Just go to your Nayeon. What am I to you even?"

Jungkook:"Aish baby...Don't be like this."


Jungkook went infront of her and held her tightly. Y/n was trying to get away.

Y/n:"Yah! Jungkook leave me!"

Jungkook:"Why are you calling me Jungkook again?"

Y/n:"Your Nayeon will be mad at you if I call you something else"

Jungkook was about to say something else but stopped as he noticed Y/n's eyes were getting watery. Jungkook sighed and held her face trying to tilt her head towards him.

Jungkook:"Baby look at me"

Y/n looked at him and said,"What?"

He held her waist and pulled her on his lap. He wrapped her legs around his waist and faced her again. He caressed her cheek and said,"Baby.. Look...she was just my past. But your my present and future. And I wasn’t even serious about her but I have never been this this serious how I am about us."

Y/n stayed silent.

Jungkook:"Baby I'm really sorry."

Y/n:"How many girls did you dated till now?"

Jungkook gulped nervously and chuckled.

Jungkook:"Baby forget about them. Let's talk about something else?"


Jungkook:"So tell me anything... I'm listening"

Y/n:"Well Jungwoon is cuter than you. He's so pure and innocent unlike you who's already ruined"

Jungkook:"Baby... That's not what I meant", he said whinning.

Y/n:"Why? Didn’t you tell I can say anything and You'll listen. So listen... Jungwoon is very cute. And whoever will marry him will be the luckiest. Ahh I wish I went to the school in those days when Jungwoon was there. Then It would have been so good-"

Y/n was cut off as Jungkook pinned her on the bed glaring at her.

Jungkook:"Don't you dare say that again baby. You're only mine"

Y/n stayed silent looking at him. He's looking so hot right now. Y/n is continuously staring at him. Jungkook also stared at her intensely. But just then the door opened revealing Jungwoon. He stood there shocked and heartbroken as the scene infront of wasn’t very good for him. Jungkook hovering over Y/n pinning her hands down, both staring at each other intensely. Jungwoon fake coughed and they both looked at his direction. They quickly got up.

Jungkook:"Umm need something Woon?"

Jungwoon:"Yeah...well...Dinner is ready"

Jungkook:"Oh okay....We're coming"

They all downstrairs and sat on the dining table. Maids served them. None of them spoke anything. They all ate their dinner silently. Jungkook looked at Y/n sometimes but Y/n didn’t bother.

After finishing dinner Y/n said,"I'll get going now. Bye Jungwoon. Bye Jungkook"

Jungkook sighed thinking She's still upset. Y/n was about to go but Jungkook held her hand and said,"Let's go...I'll drop you"

Y/n nodded. They both went to the car and sat inside. Y/n kept alittle distance as she was actually upset. Jungkook felt sad.

Time skip-

They finally reached Y/n's house after a long silent ride. Y/n got out from the car and was about to go to her house but Jungkook held her hand again stopping her. Y/n just looked at him not saying anything.

Jungkook came closer to her and held her tightly.

Jungkook:"Baby please Don't be like this"

Y/n stayed silent again.

Jungkook:"I'm sorry. I really didn’t mean to talk about her or compare her to you. I'm sorry please"

Y/n:"It's okay"

Jungkook pulled away and looked at her.

Y/n:"I'll get going now. Bye"

Jungkook didn’t let go of her. Y/n looked at him and saw his eyes were teary. She gave up. She cupped his face and said,"Oh my god! I never knew my Koo is such a baby. Stop crying okay?"

Jungkook:"I'm sorry"

Y/n:"I said It's okay. I already forgave you."

She wipped his tears and placed her lips softly on his. She moved her lips as Jungkook also kissed back. They kissed each other softly. After awhile she pulled away and held his hand.

Y/n:"Come inside the house"

Jungkook nodded and smiled. They went infront of the main door and rang the bell. Soon the door was opened by Yena.

Yena:"Ooh how was your da-"

She was cut off by seeing Jungkook infront of her. She gulped and looked at Y/n. Y/n smiled and Yena raised an eyebrow.

Y/n:"He knows about everything Unnie"

[Thank you for reading it]

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