Part 57

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They all were sitting on the coach, Mr.Park and Mrs.Park was in one and Jungkook, Y/n, Jungwoon and Yena was in the opposite one.

The two couples were Very nervous after explaining everything to them. Jungkook was scratching his back of the neck, Y/n was looking down feeling nervous, Jungwoon was biting his nails and Yena was staring at them blankly though she was nervous as well.

Yena:"Say something Dad? Mom?"

Mr.Park just joined his hands and touched them in his lips still having a cold look.

Mrs.Park:"Well I'm agreed! I personally Like Jungkook very much and this Jungwoon seems like a cute I don't have any problem", she said in a chill tone.


Mrs.Park:"Shut up with your but! Just see that they look so cute together! And-"

Mr.Park:"But Jungkook was a playboy and I don't trust Yena either cuz She's a playg-"

Mrs.Park:"You were also a playboy! Don't forget that!", she said sternly.

Mr.Park shut his mouth this time. After awhile he said,"Okay I'm agreed! And Jungkook and Jungwoon... You two seem familiar to me"

Jungkook:"Uncle we both met at Business conferences last year. I remember you"

Mr.Park:"Oh? Are you perhaps Mr.Jeon's son?"


Mr.Park:"Oh...It's very good then. We are good friends. But I haven’t seen you both together.."

Jungkook:"Actually Jungwoon never attends conferences. So..."

Mr.Park:"Oh that's why....But it was good meeting you again"

Jungkook:"Me too uncle-"

Mrs.Park:"Call us mom and dad already... Aren’t you gonna marry our daughter?"

Jungkook smiled shyly and said,"Yeah I will"

Mrs.Park:"Come... Let's go eat something"

They all nodded.

2 days later-

Y/n, Yena, Jungkook and Jungwoon were waiting for Taehyung's girlfriend to come to Y/n and Yena's house as that day they couldn’t introduce themselves so today they decided to meet today in Y/n and Yena's house. And the reason behind choosing Y/n and Yena's house is Mr.Park and Mrs.Park. They became very shocked and excited after knowing that there is someone who looks like Y/n and Yena. So they invited her for lunch and they were waiting for her to come.

Soon someone rang the doorbell and Y/n opened the door.

Y/n:"Hi! You're here finally! We're sorry that we couldn’t catch up that day"

Taehyung's girlfriend smiled and said,"No no...It's fine. So you are Y/n?"

Y/n nodded and said,"Come inside and You'll get introduced with everyone"

The girl nodded and entered. She saw everyone and smiled.

Jungkook:"Oh well...I'm Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook."

Jungwoon:"I'm Jungwoon", he said shyly.

She went near him and squished his cheeks saying,"Omo! You are soooooo cute! You are the cutest thing I ever saw in my whole life!"

[Who wouldn’t say if he's cute like this?-

[Who wouldn’t say if he's cute like this?-

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