Chapter 1

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Ali stood at the airport hugging her brother goodbye as she was about to get on a plane to California. USWNT training camp. The first one of the new year.
"I'll miss you honey" Kyle said wiping a tear from his eye.
"Kyle" Ali laughed "I'll be back in a month" she giggled at her brother who was still crying.

Ashlyn on the other hand was already sitting in the waiting area fiddling nervously. She was anxious to see the team. She knew most everyone's names. They were the best of the best after all. And she was scared she was gonna miss her plane.

2 hours later Ali sat down in her assigned seat and soon noticed a tall blonde woman sitting next to her. She looked about Ali's age. Maybe a little younger.
"Hi, I'm Ali" she attempted to make the flight ahead less awkward by introducing herself. The other girl took a few seconds to react which made Ali think she was rude and closed off. But all it took for her to realize she was wrong was the other woman speaking up.
"Hi, sorry. I was somewhere else with my thoughts" she spoke with the softest voice Ali had ever heard. She could hear the other woman was dealing with something. But they'd just met so she was well aware it wasn't her place to ask.
"I'm Ashlyn" she finally said.
"So... Ashlyn, where you headed to?" Ali asked smiling.
"Uhm... Training camp. USWNT actually" Ashlyn answered blushing. She didn't know why just saying it made her this nervous. But at the same time she was incredibly proud to have gotten this far.
"Oh.. you're the new goalkeeper, right?" Ali smiled even wider right now. Ashlyn just looked confused at that point.
"Oh right... You don't know any of us yet. I'm Ali Krieger. Defender for the USWNT" Ali giggled.
"Oh. Oh god this is embarrassing" Ashlyn answered. Her old were sweating like crazy. "I know most of you guys and I've seen you play. Gotta say you're pretty darn good Ali" she the smiled.
"Hey, you okay? You're really nervous aren't you?" Ali said with a soft smile.
"Well.. this is a once in a lifetime chance and I feel like I already fucked it up" Ashlyn sighed honestly.
"Oh don't worry. Everyone's a little awkward at first. But you'll fit right in, I promise you" Ali smiled. Which made Ashlyn smile too.
"Ugh, I sure hope so" she answered.
"You'll be alright. Don't worry." Ali comforted her.
"So... 20 questions. If you're okay with that?" She asked a few seconds later.
"Oh.. wanna get ahead of everyone and be my best friend, huh?" Ashlyn answered with a grin.
"Confident. I like it" Ali smiled, happy the other woman seemed more comfortable around her.
"Well" Ashlyn shrugged.
"Okay so.. where did you grow up?" Ali asked.
"Satellite Beach, Florida. I miss Florida"
"Interesting. Beach girl, huh?" Ali smiled.
"Yup. Trough and trough. That's what I missed most while I was away... The beach and all" Ashlyn smiled at her memories.
"Aww that's cool. Good thing we're going to California then. Beach and all"
"Yeah, totally. So what about you? Where did you grow up?" Ashlyn asked excitedly. Now that she got to ask as well.
"Virginia. It was great but to be honest I don't miss it that much. I still get to see my brother a lot so I don't miss home that much" Ali replied.
"Oh that's good. Mh... Ok what's your favorite colour?"
"Oh... Good One. I don't know honestly. Maybe red?" Ali laughed.
"Mh... For me it's blue. Like the ocean..." Ash smiled making Ali aw at her.
"Favourite food?" Ali asked before Ashlyn could say anything more.
"Ohh... My grandma's Mac and cheese"
"Well.. now I'm hungry. For me.. I think it's hot dogs?" Ali giggled at her answer and Ashlyns reaction to it.
"That simple huh?" She then asked.
"Well.." she held her hand up sighing but soon started laughing again.
"Who's your biggest inspiration? And who made you play soccer?" Ashlyn asked very obviously being proud that she thought of the question.
"Oh easy. Same person for both actually. My brother." Ali said, pulling out her phone with a picture to show Ashlyn.
"Oh he looks nice" Ash said.
"Yeah. Well he and my dad actually. My dad was my coach growing up. But my brother is definitely my biggest inspiration. He's been through a lot and he came out stronger at the end so that's definitely..." Ali trailed off.
"Yeah. I get that. My family's kinda been through a bunch too. Especially with my brother.. and addiction and stuff" Ash explained getting more uncomfortable by the second. Ali of course noticed and put her hand on Ash's thigh in an attempt to comfort her.
"Hey, I know it's a lot. You don't... have to talk about it. Not right now, not ever if you don't want to. But I get it. Trust me" she said as honest as she could. Ashlyn still had her head down trying her best not to look at Ali. She didn't know how within a minute they went from animated talk to this. All of a sudden she felt Ali hold her hands, pulling her towards her.
"Ash, look at me."
Ashlyn sighed but slowly moved her head to look at the brunette next to her. She looked her in the eyes and somehow actually felt comforted by the look in Ali's eyes.
"You okay?" Ali then asked her. Ashlyn didn't feel like saying anything more so she just nodded.
"Good. Because I don't wanna spend the rest of this flight in silence" Ali giggled which eventually got Ashlyn to smile too.
It didn't take them long to get back into their light and easy conversation talking about everything and nothing.

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