Time For Answers

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Grey POV

I'm sweating and I've only had a wash and walked to the kitchen.  I've been home for nearly two weeks after leaving the hospital two weeks after my transplant.

I'm getting better though, I can feel myself getting stronger . Also Conall tells me he can feel our strength returning.

Yes, I have a voice in my head that calls himself Conall.  As he feels, as though he is separate to me but connected in away, I can't explain.  I've just accepted the fact, I can talk with him, in my head.  Better than going done the OMG I'm now mad, crazy route, I think.

"Mr. Grey what would you like for breakfast this morning?" Molly asks the housekeeper.

I'm staying at home for now as I need help sometimes "scrambled eggs with some toast please" I answer

I take a seat at the table "has Mum left already?" I ask

"Yes, she said she's left some light work for you to go over in the office and to call if you need anything" Molly answers.

I read the morning paper, Conall and I debating over last night football game.  As I move to the business pages he growls loudly and I wince a little.

"Sorry" he says and sounds as though he is stirred up about something.

"What is it?" I ask

"Nothing don't worry about it yet, just get yourself well and we'll be able to go from there" he says.

"Are you in need of some meat again?" I ask thinking about his gripping while still in hospital and suffering from the bland diet. 

"No, the steak last night was good" he replies

"Molly, what did Mum threaten, if I even thought about going to the office today?" I wonder

She chuckles and looks over at me "she might have mentioned something about you not being able to give her grandchildren in the future" she tells me.

"That serious then?  Well I guess its another day, swimming laps and doing the light work she left then" I pout

"You were able to swim a good number of laps yesterday" Conall encourages

I eat my breakfast and thank Molly before heading to the study.  I find the work that Lucy left and quickly complete it.  I give her a call "please give me something that requires a little more thought?  You might find me scoffing a tub of ice cream, butt naked while sitting on the kitchen floor if this continues" I gripe

I hear her chuckle, I've sent you something that is right up your street.  It's in your inbox" she says 

"Love you" I say before ending the call.

I open up my email and when I see the specs of a new computer business that we might buy.  I rub my hands together and get to work.

"Mr. Grey, Ms. Lucy called and said you must stop and have some lunch" Molly says having knocked and come into the room.

I stretch and nod "what are we having?" I ask standing

"Chicken salad with a baked potato" she answers

4 weeks later 

I've gotten the address for Clear Moon logging and driving there.  I've already looked over the computer business, I think is worth buying.

I called Clear Moon and made an appointment to speak with the owner.  His voice gave me goosebumps and a shiver ran down my spine.

With that kind of strong reaction to just his voice.  I'm wondering what it will be like, when we meet in person. I see the sign for the turn and indicate before turning into it.

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