Pack Life

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Grey POV

One year later

Who would have thought that a little over a year ago my life would have changed this much.  I work mainly from home so I can be with the boys.

I find it hard to leave them for long periods of time.

They seem to pass another mile stone every day if not every hour and I don't want to be one of those fathers that spend 80% of their time at work.

Keats goes to the logging company in the morning and then works with me at home in the afternoons.

Lucy visits most days and adores the boys.

Ethan is the quietest out of the two, but once he's had enough he lets you know.  Ryker is happiest when surrounded by people giving him attention.

However he likes Ethan to be close to him always.  When Ethan has enough of people cooing over him.  He'll crawl away to a quiet corner and play on his own.  Within 5 minutes Ryker will start to look for him.

We have moved them to their own room now, but they still like to sleep together.

"Love, do you think Lucy would baby sit?" Keats asks

"Need some lovin'?" I joke

"As if you didn't know, after that slow striptease you did this morning" he growls

I can't help but smile as I did tease him a bit "sure I'll ask her" I reply

"Just dress casual.  I'll come around and pick you up after lunch" he instructs

I call Mum and she ends the call quickly saying she is on her way.  I chuckle when I look at the clock and it is only 11am.

"Stop it" I hear Ethan say

"What is going on?" I ask looking around the sofa to where he is playing with some trucks.

"Where is your brother?" I ask not seeing him.

Ethan points and I see him sleeping behind the curtain a little way away.

I pick Ethan up and look into his eyes "are you talking to the voice in your head?" I ask him

His eyes widen and he puts his hand on my neck "name Soren" I hear in my head.

"Well hello Soren" I answer out loud.

"Ry sad" I'm told

"Why?" I ask

"He no, Soren" I hear

"He has a wolf it just needs time to grow before it can communicate with him" I explain

Ethan looks at me "you and your brother have different animals.  So will be different for each of you" I explain wondering just how much he understands.

"What me?" I hear

"You are very special and we'll tell you, when the time is right" I answer.

Ethan yawns and I lay him on the mattress we have on the floor.  I then go and get Ryker and place him next to his brother.  Ryker moves closer to his brother while still asleep.

Ethan holds his hand and closes his eyes.  I pat his back until sleep takes him.

"Is it normal to be able to talk to your dragon at such an early age?" I ask Conall

"I'm not sure as I spent my early years hiding within Ashley.  I didn't let her know about me until I had too" he answers

"But I think I could've talked to her from early on" he adds

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