Special Date (R)

309 29 2

Keats POV

I'm trying to contain myself, but its really hard with my beautiful mate standing before me.

"Wouldn't want the kids to find? What the hell have you bought?" Grey asks eyeing the bag, I'm holding.

I close the door and walk to the bed.  I place the bag on it and unzip it.

"Well you seem to like it when I hold your hands above your head so only I can touch" I tell him taking out the leather cuffs.

I feel his excitement grow as he looks at them.  "When I went online, I found other things I think you might like too" I tell him

I see his eyes dilate and smell his arousal as he moves nearer.  I remove something from the bag and put it in my back pocket.

I pull him to me and kiss him.  He wraps his arms around me and gets as close as he can.  "Frist close your eyes" I instruct breaking the kiss.

He smiles and then closes his eyes.  I take the blindfold from my back pocket and place it over his eyes.

"Leave it there" I tell him and then start to undress him.  I tease him with little kisses and nips as I reveal more of him.

By the time I have his jeans around his ankles his boxes have a wet patch growing on the front of them.

"Keats stop teasing me, I'm so hard, I could hammer nails!" he moans

I smile as I kiss him through his underwear "I swear, I'll burn them off in a second" he growls impatiently.

I slip my fingers into their waistband and push them down.  I watch as his rock hard cock gets pulled down with them.  Then he groans as it springs free and bounces against his skin.

I lick his length once and then stand-up and take out another thing from the bag.  I quickly pull my shirt off and throw it on the floor with Grey's.

Uncapping the oil, I pour some into my hands and then start to rub it into Grey's shoulders moving down his chest to his nipples.

"Its heating up" he moans as I also feel the heat and massage it into his nipples and chest.

Moving closer I kiss him again, letting our tongues duel and then nibble on his full bottom lip.  "My ass is twitching" Grey groans as we break apart as we need a little more air.

I smile as I slap his butt cheek, "don't move" I tell him and strip off my pants.

Taking the ice from the rooms fridge I kneel behind him and kiss his butt.

"Bend down love and shake this ass" I instruct

He giggles and the sound makes my cock throb painfully.  I spread his cheeks apart and rub some of the heating oil into his star.  He spreads his legs more in order to stabilise himself more.

I take an ice cube and run it down his crack then push it against his star.  "Fuck that feels cold" he moans

I put a little more pressure on it and it slips inside his ass.  "Crap, I could cum already and you've hardly touched me" Grey growls

I drop more oil into my palm and then move my hand between his legs taking his cock and smoothing in the oil all over his member.

"Not seeing, makes you feel it so much more" he groans

His legs are beginning to shake now.  I rub his star with my free hand then push a finger into it.

"Fire and ice" I moan as his heat surrounds my finger and it touches the now small chip of ice.

I work him good until I have three fingers thrusting into his ass.  Then I pull them out and reach in the bag again.  I smile as I rub some oil over it and then push the dildo into his ass.

"Crap" Grey swears and falls to his knees as his legs give out.  "I'm dripping, I'm so turned on" he groans.

I kiss his butt and then push it all the way in.  I stand-up and help him up so he can lay on the bed.

"On your back love" I say and he lays down still wearing just the blindfold.  I move and take his cock into my hand while my other hand taps my hard cock against his lips.

He opens his mouth and takes me in.  I feel his cock throb with the taste of me.  As he starts to suck my cock, I pick up the remote from the bed.

"Don't bite me" I warn just before I press the button.

He groans and gargles around my cock making my eyes roll back in my head.

His cock looks swollen and painful with the need for release.  I pick up the cuffs "hands love" I say and he holds one up.  I place a leather cuff around it and move his arm above his head.  He then gives me the other one and I place the cuff through the headboard before cuffing his other wrist.

"Do they feel alright?" I ask and he nods his head and mumbles "yes" around my cock.

I push the remote again and the vibrator increases.  "Fucccckkk" he mumbles

I run my free hand over his body and when I feel that he and I are about to release.  I pull out of his mouth and turn the vibrator off.

I move then and pull out the vibrating dildo.  I pick up 2 more pieces of melting ice and push them into his hot channel.  I then position myself at his back door.

"Ready love?" I ask  "Undo my hands" he begs and I reach up uncuffing him.  I give his wrists a rub and then thrust into him.

"Shit" "Fuck" we growl out as I sink into him.  I push up the blindfold so I can see his eyes and bend down and kiss him.

"This is going to be fast and hard" I warn him

He nods and holds onto my shoulders as my hips start to pummel against him.  Grey moves his legs to around my hips and the angle allows me to go deeper.

"Shit, give it to me babe" Grey groans 

I move his legs so I can lean over him and let my hips piston into him.  I take his cock and give it a tug and feel him clench hard around me.  Then we are swearing and panting as we both unload.  

We are both trembling as we let our orgasms finish.  I slip out of him and collapse beside him.  We both need a minute to get our breaths back.

"I got some on the headboard" Grey giggles looking behind him.

I smile and pull him against me, then freeze.  Shit, shit, shit, that is all that is going through my head.

I glance at Grey and he is smiling at me "you didn't use a condom, did you?" he asks

"I'm sorry babe, I was so far gone, that it just puff" I say miming a bomb going off in my head. 

"It's alright, I enjoyed that very much.  I think we should keep that bag in your office or truck for future dates" he says smiling and kissing me.

"Love you" I say kissing him again.

"Love you more" he answers and holds me tight.

Short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it.  (thank you @MsSquidRunner for enjoying this story)

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