What Happened?

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A/N: This...this is crack. A crackfic no one asked for but I couldn't get out of my head. So here we are.

This is pure crack so like the Dance Mom's crackfic it'll only be updated every now and then when I get inspiration.


Nagisa sighed, trying to blend into the crowd as he was shoved into the school, pushing some hair out of his face as he walked through the halls, trying to find a quiet spot to breathe.

"Move." Someone in an identical grey uniform pushed passed him.

"Sorry!" Nagisa hurried off, taking refuse near the fire extinguisher as the students piled passed.

He grimaced and reached into his bag, taking out his notepad.

13th April, 2015.

Kunugigaoka Junior High

Third Year.

Dear diary...

I believe I'm a good person.

I think that there's good in everyone but...

"Hi, Nagisa." Okuda smiled weakly, glasses and pigtails a little dishevelled as she carried a pile of books, interrupting his thoughts.

He forced a smile. "Hi, Okuda—"

"Move, slut." Fujii snapped, pushing passed Okuda, causing the girl to fall to the ground and spray her books everywhere.

"Okuda?" Nagisa rushed to help but the girl ran off crying while some of the other students laughed.

"What a loser!"

"What do expect from E Class?"

"Move it, freak." Another kid pushed him.

"Oh, okay, sorry!" He grimaced, going back to his hiding place to resume his writing.

When I look around at these kids I've known all my life and think about how in Kindergarten everyone was nice and happy, and then I ask myself - what happened?


"It's my pleasure to welcome everyone back for their final third year." Principal Asano smiled pleasantly, addressing them all in assembly as the full faculty was assembled. "I'm confident I don't need to remind you of how crucial this last year is for your future." His smile was sharp. "Each one of you will have a pat to play in society!" He shot 3-E a look. "No matter how...minor that may be."

A snicker spread across the assembly when everyone cast a glance at 3-E.

Nagisa grimaced, wanting to sink into the ground as he took out his notebook while he stood with his classmates.

Dear Diary,

I think our Principal is a sadist, because the more I look around, I start to realise that the trigger was that we got bigger and got integrated into a fascist social experiment where my class is the school punching bag.


Someone threw a pencil case at his head.


Nagisa sighed as the Principal kept talking.

Welcome to my school, where the battle royal is between those with top grades beating up the bottom feeders on a regular basis.

Hold your breath and count the days, we're graduating soon.


Someone threw another pencil case at his head.

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