Could you be seen with me and still act proud?

190 13 15

Dear Diary,

I'm not sure I want to be popular anymore...

Nagisa closed his locker as he put his outside shoes away and changed into his inside shoes; a matching set of specific white designer trainers that apparently only members of the Big Five were allowed to wear...

He sighed and sat down, slipping the shoes on and tried to brace himself for the day. "No one said being popular would be this exhausting..."



Nagisa fought back a grimace as he stood up when he saw his... new friends approaching. "Hi, Asano..."

"How long does it take to put on a pair of shoes?" Asano tutted and tugged his pigtail chidingly. "You're going to miss all the fun."

"What fun?" Nagisa asked warily while the others were smiling.

Asano smiled pleasantly. "Come see."

Nagisa grimaced as he was steered towards the other side of the lockers and then felt his stomach drop.

Sugino was opening up his locker, which is when an envelope fell out.

Nagisa clenched his hands tight, as the six of them were partly hid behind another set of lockers. "Tell me you didn't..."

Ren placed his hands on his shoulders tight. "Hey, it's your handiwork."

Nagisa's guilt made him feel sick as he saw Sugino's face light up in happiness when the letter was read.

Seo covered his mouth to smother a snigger when Sugino smiled and hugged the letter close.

"Don't be shy, Nagisa," Asano said silkily. "Go show your support."

Nagisa yelped when he was pushed forward, nearly hitting Sugino. "Uh?"

Sugino looked surprised when he saw him but then smiled. "Nagisa, look!" He held up the letter. "Kanzaki wrote me a letter!" His friend smiled so happily it made Nagisa's chest hurt. "I told you she liked me back!"

Nagisa swallowed thickly, feeling cornered. "...W-wow, that's, great."

"I'm so happy!" Sugino blushed hard. "This is the best day of my life."

Nagisa felt sick. "Yeah...great."

Sugino's smile faded when he looked at him. "Hey, are you okay, you look kind of—"

"I'm fine!" He had to get out of here. "Sorry, I need to head back to the others...bye."

He practically ran off before Sugino could reply.

"Calm down, speedrunner." Araki grabbed his arm before he left the locker room entirely.

Nagisa grimaced when he turned around and the rest of the Big Five looked more amused like this was one giant joke.

"Oh, fuck, did you see his face?" Araki whispered, clutching his sides.

"I thought he was gonna whip his dick out right there?" Seo was in near hysterics.

Nagisa tensed, curling his hands into fists as he felt his temper rise. "It's not funny."

"Oh, lighten up already," Koyama sneered.

Seo scowled. "Yeah, stop being so miserable, it's annoying."

"Yeah, Nagisa." Asano smiled thinly, pinching Nagisa's cheek hard. "Smile."

Nagisa gritted his teeth, wincing when his cheek was pinched hard.

"Nagisa." Asano's voice lowered warningly. "I said, smile."

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