You can join the team, or you can bitch and moan.

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Dear Diary,

It turns out the Big Five operated on a very strict schedule.


They also went to school very early.

"I'm coming!" Nagisa stumbled out of his apartment with his bag, tie undone. "Wait!" He fumbled with the keys to lock the door.

Downstairs a large black jeep was parked outside and beeped loudly when he arrived.

Nagisa cringed and quickly ran to the jeep and got into the car where the other five were waiting. "Sorry!"

"Finally!" Asano exclaimed, crossing his legs.

"Ugh, I can't believe you live in this dump." Seo scoffed when he looked at the apartments. "I'm surprised we didn't get carjacked."

Nagisa frowned. "It's a gated community..."

Asano sighed impatiently. "We've wasted enough time as it is, let's go."

Araki nodded and hit the front mirror. "Ito! Get a move on it!" He ordered the man who was presumably a hired driver.

Nagisa frowned at his tone and quickly tried to fix his tie before Asano noticed—

"Ugh, you look a mess." Asano had already noticed. "Ren, fix him. It's pissing me off."

Nagisa yelped when Ren suddenly started trying to pluck his eyebrows. "What are you doing?!"

"Do you even trim?" Ren tutted, trying to pluck. "Hold still or it'll be uneven."

"Ow!" Nagisa winced when his eyebrows were plucked.

"Don't be a little bitch." Seo rolled his eyes.

"Then how about he plucks yours!" Nagisa snapped, growing annoyed. "Ow!"

"You really would make a great maid," Ren commented, frowning as he smushed Nagisa's cheeks together. "You have the face and everything..."

"I'm not going to be your maid!" Nagisa protested.

Why was Ren so creepy!? The Big Five were supposed to be cool!

Asano rolled his eyes. "Ren, just hurry up and make him presentable."

Nagisa grimaced when Ren grinned and got out some hairspray.


Nagisa felt like he'd been put through a wormhole...everyone was staring at him.

Dear Diary,

I think I'm popular...

"Hi, Nagisa!" A student waved at Nagisa when he walked by.

"Uh...thanks." Nagisa smiled nervously and waved, growing more surprised when more and more students smiled and waved at him.

...And, it's weird.

"Hi, sir!" Nagisa waved at Koro-sensei who was cleaning the trophies in the trophy case.

"Hello, Nagisa!" Koro-sensei waved a yellow tentacle, nearly whacking another student in the face.

Nagisa smiled and walked further down the hallway, heading to the second floor.


Nagisa frowned and looked over when he recognised Sugino's voice. "Oh, hey, Sugino, Kayano!"

Sugino looked flustered. "Don't just hey! What the hell just happened yesterday?" He frowned. "You disappeared with the Big Five and then you didn't even come over for movie night."

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