A/N Well Opps

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So ummm....

I made a mistake?

So I talked about the Sequel, but never actually said it was released or not.

And thanks to WarOfDwarfs I realised that.

So...I published it a while ago...

...its up to chapter 18...

...definitely not the 'Short sequel' I was planning at first...

So if any of you didn't know and have been patiently waiting, I am so sorry. As I mentioned last A/N, a lot of stuff was happening then in my life, which slowly getting better again. And then the whole 'Foreign Clown' thing happened...

If you don't know about that it is probably mentioned like around chapter 10ish maybe. But that problem is resolved now.

The readers who have read it like it and I am finished planning it so if you like to have novels complete before reading it, it will be coming soon.

As weshouldbesleeping stated to me once along the lines of 'You put Percy through enough trauma already, let him live in peace'.

So I put him through more trauma yay!

And there are new characters introduced, as well as old ones returning.

Drama will happen, relationships will break, life will happen.

So if you want more, the novel is on my profile page!

Now, enjoy the photo that _-Steamie1273-_ put on the Luvwarrriocats13 Discord chat of a Corgi cross Husky puppy.

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