Chapter 36:The fight for the crown part 2

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A/N okay, sorry for the long chapter but this needs to be all together or I would have to put it on a cliffhanger, and I didn't want to do that.

In this part Bold and Italics is memories 

And even though it's a lot of writing, between the memories there are dialogue so please read it or you might get confused.

Anyway enjoy!

Third POV

"Luna?" Annabeth asked "Is that really you?"

Luna nodded, her blue eyes shined in the moon light but she looked physically and mentally exhausted.

"Baby Starling?" Nyx asked, making Luna look towards her mum.

"Mum?" Luna asked, a smile appearing on her face "MUM!"

She ran and hugged her mother, who hugged gratefully back.

Tears filled both of their eyes.

"I missed you so much" Nyx whispered.

"I missed you too" Luna whispered back "I can see you guys but...I-I couldn't interact with anything..."

"Wait, is that what Luke is doing right now?" Annabeth asked.

Luna looked at her confused but followed Annabeth's gaze to the emotionless looking Luke.

"Oh, you meant Percy not Luke Luke" Luna said, making Nyx let go of her daughter.

"Wait, you knew?" She asked, confusing everyone.

"Um, it was really obvious, he looks the same" Luna said.

"What are you talking about?" Hermes asked.

Luna sighed.

"It isn't my secret to share...Percy can reveal it after this" Luna said.

"There won't be an after"

Luna turned and glared at Order angrily.

"How dare you!" Luna angrily yelled "Control people for no reason! Why do that? To torture them? To BREAK THEM?!?"

Order narrowed his eyes.

"Oh course I have a reason girl" Order said "I had to keep an eye on things and make sure things fate planned stuck there"

"So all the things which happened to Percy....was planned by you?" Luna asked "You wanted them to happen? You wanted him to break?"

"He was my ideal host" Order said "I had to break him to get him to do my bidding"

Luna narrowed her eyes.

"So you used all of us like pawns? You're sick!" Luna said.

"We are already pawns" Luke said, his eyes turning blue "Pawns in everyone's game...and we can't do anything about it; its a demigod's fate"

"I'm not sure what he's telling you Percy but fight him!" Luna said, making Percy's head snap up.

"Luna?" He whispered, looking quiet shocked she even was awake and even that he was heard. He still thought he was trapped inside his head but Order let him out, leaving him even more confused.

Luke eyes flickered back and forward between purple and blue "Y-You're okay?" He whispered

Luna smiled, using all her energy to not run into his arms.

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