These Hands, This Mind, This Instability

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Chapter 2: These Hands, This Mind, This Instability
(Just a reminder, the chapter titles are song lyrics for Into the Fire- Asking Alexandria)

Loxley and I end up in the midst of the hedge maze shortly after our fight begins. This is one of the most silent fights I've even been involved in. Our strikes are very quick and calculated, almost too quick for my eyes to even track. We aren't using weapons, just hand to hand. It's been a while since I've fought like this, it's rather fun. When I have to defend Master directly, it's better to use weapons and get it over with. She has no chance of getting to any of the princes, so I have nothing to worry about. I can take my time.

"What the hell is your problem?" She hisses as she swings her fist toward me.

I ignore her question and arch a brow as I notice an familiar insignia etched into the ring on her finger. Her movement is so quick though, I can't get a good enough look to recognize it's origin.

"So, who are you working for?" I ask as I grab her wrist then sweep her feet.

"Who says I am working for anyone but myself?"

"The ring on your finger."

"That's none of your concern."

She rips her wrist from my grip and brings her foot up to kick me in the chest. I misjudge the timing and am sent sprawling backward into the hedge wall. When I get to my feet, Loxley is gone.

I make my way out of the maze but she's nowhere in sight. Master is protected by Mitsuhide and Kiki and Raji has Sakaki with him so they should be alright if she continues her pursuit. Prince Izana decided against employing attendants for himself so he's alone beyond the standard castle guard. It's safe to say with them... Prince Izana is basically unprotected. I'll check in on Master's meeting, then I'll hide away to watch over Prince Izana for a while. A movement near the wall makes me falter in my path. It's Loxley climbing over the top of the wall. I guess I scared her off. Oh, well, that was anticlimactic. I sigh as she disappears into the trees. I guess I'll nap now. On my way back to my shade tree, I notice her match stick in the grass. I don't understand her obsession with fire since she almost died in one, but to each their own I guess.

I wake up just after nightfall and stretch. I'd napped off and on throughout the rest of the afternoon, only really moving to get dinner and to respond to Master checking in on everything. I didn't bother to tell him about Loxley since I can handle her if she does decide to return. I doubt she will though. Most people who take on jobs involving assassinating the princes get scared off, captured, or killed either by me or the guards... but mostly me. My eyes narrow as an almost inaudible whistle reaches my ears. I reach out and catch the needle aimed for my throat.

"Hello again."

"Please die. You're getting in my way." Her voice comes from the far end of the branch.

"Well, I'd rather not die for starters and I was actually staying out of your way until you came back. I'd very easily stay out of your way forever if you left the castle and my employer alone." I sigh. "Who is it you're after anyway?"

She doesn't answer but I feel the slight movement of the branch as she jumps to the ground.

I catch up to her rather quickly and tackle her to the ground. Loxley shoots a rather lovely stream of colorful curses and threats at me, making me chuckle. She's rather fun to annoy.

"You're not getting near the princes." I hum as I move to sit on her back so she can't run off.

"Not with your bony ass digging into my spine!" She bites out. "You're an assassin too so why the hell are you so intent on protecting them?"

"I'm only an assassin when I need to be. Any other time, I'm simply doing my job."

"You're delusional!" She laughs harshly as she vainly tries to roll over. "You can try to defend them all you want but if they see you, they'll string you up by the throat just as quickly as they would me."

"I'm not too concerned." I shrug, then decide to be nice and stand up. "Even if they were to decide to come after me, they wouldn't get very far with it."

"Look you psychotic little freak of nature, I have to do this so just stay out of my way. I will kill you if I have to."

Her eyes focus on me as she brushes the dirt from her baggy black sweater. "I will burn this whole castle to the ground if you get in my way."

"I'd really rather you not... any of that really."

She scowls and flips me off before noticing the night guard changing positions and leaving me to run for cover.

"Such a fearless assassin." I snicker, making sure to make my voice just loud enough for her to hear.

While she's hiding, an idea comes to mind to mess with her further. I have a small spool of nearly invisible wire in one of my pouches. In the darkness I guarantee she won't be able to see it. It was hard to set up without her immediately noticing what I was doing but I think I succeeded in covering it up by moving to 'hide' behind a tree. The guards settle in, leaving us alone again so she leaves her hiding spot to make a break for the castle. My eyes widen and a louder laugh than expected leaves my lips as I watch her trip over the wire and land on her face in the grass.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Ooh... So scared." I chuckle. "Watch out for wires. I thought such a top-notch assassin like yourself would know to be aware of such things."

My eyes widen as she lunges at me quicker than I can react.

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