Into The Fire

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Chapter 10: Into The Fire

We managed to drop Prince Raji off at his castle and collect whatever he'd forgotten without seeing even a glimpse of Loxley. I guess she really is gone. Our only real goal now is to check on the forts before returning home. Despite the assassination attempt on him, Master doesn't seem to want to pursue her or the man who set the fire. I never did tell them exactly what happened when I left them behind to chase her. They just know I was gone and came back reeking of smoke and that she wasn't dead. I don't know what happened to the mother and daughter, I hope they found somewhere to go that was safe. Were they connected to Loxley and the man or did they just happen to become a target? I know I should be happy I don't have to worry for Master's safety since she's gone, but I have too many unanswered questions...


"Yes, Hide?" I sigh as I glance over at him.

"You're staring off into space again."

"And that's become a problem, how?"

He looks across the fire at Master and Kiki before lowering his voice. "You're still hung up on that girl, aren't you?"

"I was never hung up on her to begin with. She's just a random assassin and I treated her presence as a bit of entertainment until she posed a threat." I shrug.

"You're lying. Any other criminal you immediately went after, this one was different whether you realize it or not."

"It wouldn't matter anyway, she's gone and we're heading back home."

"Hey Zen," Mitsuhide calls out and I arch a brow out of curiosity. "I really don't like the thought of that assassin still running around after trying to kill you. Perhaps Obi and I should go look for her?"

"She is dangerous, that's for sure. There is no hint on a bearing for her direction though. The two of you would just be wandering around aimlessly."

"What are you doing, Hide?" I whisper but he ignores me.

"With Obi's skills, it wouldn't take long for us to track her down. If she or her master find out that you're still alive, you'll be a target again. If she got you once, she could get you again."

I have somehow been roped into going after Loxley with Mitsuhide while Master and Kiki continue their tours of the forts before returning to the castle. We have a month to find her before we have to report back to Wistal Castle regardless of what progress we may have made.

"So, why did you think this was a good idea?" I huff as the rain pelts us. It's been two days.

"You looked so sad about not seeing her for a while. I mean, she's going to get captured and killed or just killed regardless, but maybe you can get over the crush or something once we find her."

"I do not have a crush on her. Now, let's get out of the rain before I strangle you for bringing me out here."

I lead Mitsuhide through the storm to a safehouse I had in my rotation six years ago. If it's still abandoned or still standing, I won't know until we get there, but it's worth a shot. It's not as if we can't handle ourselves if needed.

The safehouse is empty, thankfully, and after a small struggle, we manage to get a fire lit in the hearth. I strip off my shirt and hang it on the back of a chair to dry before sprawling out on the floor in front of the small flame. The warmth is good but every time I close my eyes I feel like I'm in the cottage again trapped under the beam. It's unsettling, to say the least, but I'm too tired and cold to move.

"What is our game plan?" Mitsuhide asks as I hear him settle on the couch behind me.

"You're asking me?" I peek an eye open to cut a glare at him. "You're the one who got us into this situation. What is our plan, Oh-Great-Leader?"

"I... have no idea."

I run a hand through my hair and sigh. "Perhaps a great leader would consider going back to the last place she was seen to look for a trail that could lead to her direction?"

"O-Oh, yeah, we should do that."

"We should probably head out in the morning once the rain stops so we can see the pathing, right?"


"I feel like I'm going to just be teaching you the ways of the assassin. Too bad it'll be wasted on a castle lackey." I chuckle.

"Hey... I take offense to that."

The storm dies out just before dawn so I nudge Mitsuhide until he falls off the couch and wakes up. Despite his grumbled complaints, I pull my shirt on and tell him to get moving. The sooner we can find this girl or Mitsuhide gives up, the sooner we can go home. I hope this mess won't take very long. The trail would be old now so all I have to do is lead him to the cottage ruins, say 'oh no, the trail is gone' and he'll find out it's too much work to find her, and he'll whine and go home. It'll be easy as... Well, this got more difficult. Loxley is standing in front of the ruins of the cottage.

"Obi, that's her, isn't it?" Mitsuhide whispers and I nod. "Should we surprise attack her?"

I shake my head. "Give her a moment, I want to see what she does."

I arch a brow as she tugs her tattered black jacket off, revealing the pattern of scars I'd seen the night she slept on the roof near me. I can hear Mitsuhide's sharp intake of breath beside me but he quickly stifles it. Loxley drops to her knees, then leans downward until her forehead is resting against the ground.

"What is she doing?" He whispers.

"In some cultures, it is considered to be paying respects. I'm not sure why though, no one died in the fire. I got everyone out."

She stands after a few moments, then begins to sift through the wreckage.

Playing With Fire *COMPLETE* (Obi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now