This Heart Of Fire Is Stronger Now

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Chapter 21: This Heart Of Fire Is Stronger Now

Mitsuhide is absolutely terrified and I am living for it. I wouldn't explain what The Pack was or who Rabbit was. I didn't really say anything but his imagination has turned it into some outstanding horror. He's been shaking since we left the tavern. How has he managed to be Master's attendant for years, I will never know. Marina may be annoying but at least she was helpful. I know where to find The Pack base, as long as it's still there.

"Wait, we're not meeting a pack of wild bunnies, are we?"

I can't fully stifle my laugh but shake my head. "Yes, fluffy forest animals will lead the way to Lex the human."

"I can never tell with you! You're from this side of life, I don't know how this stuff works."

"Well, I can wholeheartedly reassure you that nothing will ever involve speaking to literal animals."

"Then why are we looking for a rabbit?"

"It's not A Rabbit, it's just Rabbit."

I stop at the edge of their perimeter and turn toward him. "Stay close and please do not speak unless I tell you it's fine. Do not attack unless I tell you to."

"Can I speak?"


"Can I go home?"


I stop at the edge of a waterfall and wait to be attacked. I'm surprised enough that we weren't attacked as soon as we stepped into the perimeter. Nothing happens so I shrug and take a step closer to the waterfall. A man appears in front of me, a tall lanky kid with a squirrel mask over his face. I want to ignore him but I can't help but focus on the coin flipping through his fingers continuously.

"State your business before I kill you where you stand."

"We would like to speak with your leader about joining the ranks." I lie smoothly.

His head tilts slightly as he focuses on Mitsuhide who is internally dying beside me.

"Him?" I can hear the disbelief in his voice. "But he screams unsupervised toddler or castle lackey."

"He's my brother. Sweet man, brute strength, but just a wee touched in the head, if you catch my drift. Poor thing can't even speak."

"Well I wish I could help you but-"

"Squirrel! I am a kracken of the sea!"

We all turn toward the waterfall to find a blonde woman in a rabbit mask splashing in the water.

"-but my leader is otherwise preoccupied..." He mumbles under his breath. "I see that, Miss, but you're going to make yourself sick."

Squirrel leaves us behind and walks into the water to capture her. She giggles wildly as he picks her up over his shoulder and returns to shore. He shakes his head and mumbles a small apology to me. I honestly didn't expect this to be the way that I met the infamous Rabbit... I shrug off his apology and ask if she's alright, though I know she's just drunk.

"The Miss has been going through some things lately. I'm just happy that she's happy, even if it's alcohol fueled."

"I'm riding... a squirrel!" She whisper shouts as she wiggles around on his shoulder. "Oh whiskey-"

"Miss, we've got company, would you like to greet them?" He asks, cutting off her song.

"Ooh! People! My name is Drunk and I am a little rabbit. I can't seeeeeeeee."

"If I let you stand will you stay beside me?" Squirrel sighs.

Once standing, Rabbit holds onto his arm to keep herself steady, then focuses on us.

"Why do we have visitors? Is it my birthday? Happy birthday to me!"

Squirrel shakes his head and holds back a chuckle.

"It's wonderful to meet you My Lady. I'm Nanaki and this is my brother Hide." I gently take her free hand and press a kiss to the back of it.

A small squeal slips out from behind her mask while I feel Squirrel's glare digging into me.

"T-They can join..." She mumbles before promptly forgetting our existence. "Oh, whiskey is the life of man! Whiskey from an old tin can!"

Before Squirrel can catch her, she runs off and literally falls face first into the water.

"I don't trust you, but if Miss allows you to join for now, I won't object. Just know that once she sobers up, if she changes her mind, you're out."

"I don't trust you either, so we're even I'd say." I shrug.

"Once I save her from almost drowning herself, we're going inside. As a precautionary measure, you will be asked to remove all your weaponry once we're in the main room. Surrender them to Bear and Lion and once you're cleared you will have them returned to you. You can speak to Miss after she wakes tomorrow."

Mitsuhide and I watch as Squirrel tries desperately to get Rabbit to leave the water and return to him. I'd offer to help but it's the most entertainment I've had in quite some time. Most of Mitsuhide's fear seems to have died off seeing his great fear as a drunken woman pretending to be a sea monster. I guess for now we'll pretend like we're recruits and in the morning when we get to actually talk to her, I can see what I can find out from her about Lex. I don't know their connection but hopefully Marina was right on her information and we can get somewhere. We're on a deadline as it is and Sobynne and Loxley are on their own right now and Loxley isn't in any condition to be protecting either of them.

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