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I slam down the bar, the metal plates jostling one another with the force, rockin' the walls of my makeshift home gym. Doubles as a garage as well. I wipe the sheen of sweat from my brow, movin' to put shit away and get back up to my cabin. It's still early. Time to raid the chicken coop for eggs and make somethin' edible. Least with the tang of spring in the air, I won't have to spend as much hard earned money on somethin' like food.

I trudge back up the slim path to my home; it wasn't always mine. Some poor fucker died an' left it to me, says I was the only family he had left. Made two of us. Everyone I ever knew disintegrated when our star went to shit. Poor bastard had nothin' to his name, 'cept a slave girl named Sally and this little slice of heaven.

The springs on the screen door groan as I pull it open. Alls quiet still. Little girly passed the fuck out after scarfin' down a heapin' plate of chicken and rice. S'pose my cookin' ain't shit after all. I nudge my bedroom door open with my big toe, peekin' in on her. Still fast asleep, snoring like a baby bunny.

I tug on my beard as I watch her. She's cute, for a human. Little, with big round baby blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. I woulda thought she was nothin' more than a child, 'cept for her tits. I grit my teeth, watchin' with heady eyes as those buxom lumps rise and fall with her gentle breaths. Been a while since the fights turned up anything of interest to me. Soon as I'd seen her in that cage, I'd put in a tag for the first time ever. Shit luck, too, knowin' I'll have to give her up in three months when the fights start up again.

Can always win 'er back if I want.

I give my head a shake, slippin' out and into the kitchen. Shouldn't bug her, not with her head all fucked up. My species may be the dominant race, but we sure are stupid sometimes. Why damage somethin' of beauty, somethin' of use?

I set to work makin' an omelet the size of the largest pan I have. After scarfin' it down, I can hear her heartbeats risin'. I clear my mess and trudge back. She's stirrin', face pinched like she's hurtin'. I dig around in my jeans pocket, fishing out my key. Before she wakes, I unlock her and hoist her up into my arms. Better this way. She'll be quiet.

I walk us into the bathroom, then into the shower. I set her on the bench inside, raisin' her arms and lockin' 'em above her on another chain that hangs down. Sick old bastard and his Sally. He had chains and loops all over this fuckin' place just for his most prized possession.

I grin to myself, rememberin' her. First time I ever fucked, and it was all thanks to the man everyone called Dirty Dan and his slave, his pride and joy. Damn, was Sally good at what she did. She wanted nothin' more in life than chocolate cake, and she kept Dan so happy he died of a heart attack eatin' that shit with her.

I back out of the shower, thumb and forefinger fumbling with the brass button on my jeans, slipping it through the hole, listenin' to the bite of the zipper. I kick 'em aside, loosing my long hair and crankin' on the shower. I step in, the hiss and spit of the scalding water a balm to my aching nerves. Just in time, too. Girly begins to stir even more, the hem of her tattered jeans soaked through.

I watch her with keen, interested eyes as her big round baby blues blink open. Soon as they figure out where she is—soon as her eyes snap from my cock to my face—I can see she knows she ain't gettin' away from me.

She never will.



Dread. That is the most prevalent emotion coursing through me so hot it pulses in my temples and pounds behind my eyes. The water swirling around my bare toes is hot—the feeling rather pleasant, considering I can't remember the last time I had a hot shower. But as my eyes travel up his rippling torso, I know I'd be better off bathing in a swamp than be chained up in here with him.

My head aches something fierce, my mouth dry as cotton. I barely have enough stamina to even imagine fighting him off. He shifts, and I whimper, pulling my knees up to my chest, my fingers curling around the chains that hang down from the ceiling and prevent me from fleeing. I've never seen a naked man before. Everything about him screams danger, monster—beast.

Even that...dangling thing between his legs. A soft line of dark hair leads from his belly button down to an even more dense patch, but I refuse to look any further; one glance was enough for me. I know what damage he can do with that. Well...kinda.

Water spills over his rounded shoulders, his dark hair elongating as the stream weighs it down. Some of it splashes me, but mostly the steam just sticks to my cheeks and eyelashes. He shifts again, reaching for me. With a cry, I kick at his hand, surprised when I make connection. The chains above me rattle, taunting me. Through his dark beard, through the evil look on his face, he smirks.

"Would tell ya to strip, girly, but seems ya can't," his deep, gravelly voice says. It makes something twist in my stomach, the way he talks. As his words sink in, it becomes apparent he's making fun of me. I muster the best glare I have and send it to his face. His eyes only dance at my display, and through his black beard glimmers a line of perfectly white teeth.

He reaches for me again, and though I thrash and kick, it does nothing but make my head hurt worse, to the point where I double over and gag. I hear the familiar sound of his knees popping as he crouches in front of me. His big, heavy hand slowly reaches for my face. I whimper, leaning away, but he only smooths my damp hair from my cheek, leveling me with a dark look.

"Don't gotta choice, girly. You live here with me, you obey me. End of the fuckin' story."

I bristle at his words. No one tells me what to do, not even Josh, my own flesh and blood. I grit my teeth, preparing to spit in his face when a massive wave of nausea overcomes me. Tears prick my eyes as I lurch forward again and vomit whatever wasn't able to digest in my stomach last night.

I am wracked with shivering spasms, but the beast stays rooted. He must have an iron stomach. He shakes his head and stands, ignoring me to wash his own body. The scent of soap fills the steamy air, washing away the stench of bile. I keep my eyes averted, my slow mind trying to race with thoughts, but it simply pounds instead of processing anything.

I daze in and out, mesmerized by his russet hued skin as he slicks the soap all over his body and then rinses it off, doing the same for his lengthy hair and even his beard. I feel about to pass out when his thick fingers fumble with the buttons on my jeans. He slips them off, not even sparing me by allowing me to keep my underwear on. The world is tilting, and I can only twitch and whimper in protest.

He frowns at my shirt. His mind made up, he places one hand on each side of the v-neck and wrenches it apart, ripping it off me and throwing it aside. My breasts spill out as my cheeks flame to life. There is nothing left between him and I, and judging by the look in his hungry eyes, I am about to lose every last bit of innocence I possess.

A/N: Welcome our new main characters, Sofia and Braxton! Gotta say...Braxton has been one hell of a fun character to write so far! Can't wait to share more!

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