Chapter 7: Falsh backs and I love yous

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Fuck. Why does alcohol make you feel so good in the moment and so bad in the morning? You think to yourself. You go to turn over and you realize JJs toned arm is still wrapped around you. You lift her arm and head to the shower. You make it all the way to the bathroom before you suddenly feel and tingle in your throat and you start violently puking in your toilet. You force yourself off the ground and head to the shower. You finally get out of the shower and throw on a pair of sweats and  you favorite t-shirt. You walk into the living room to see JJ sitting in your couch sipping a cup of coffee and reading the New York Times.

"There's a pot on the counter." not looking up from the paper.

You grab a mug full of coffee and join her on the couch. She sets the newspaper down and looks up at you.

"So, how are you feeling?" she asks.

"Bad headache, already puked, and I'm pretty sure i just got hit by a train. So in summary i'm feeling excellent."

She giggles at your sarcasm. "Wanna talk about what happened last night?"

"I don't know Jayje. I don't wanna overreact but at the same time, Emily outed me to the whole team without my consent. And I had already told her I was apprehensive about telling them."

"I know babe," she says with a sympathetic look on her face. "I think you should talk to her. I know for a fact that woman is head over heels for you and she would never want to ruin what the two of you have."

"I guess you're right. On a separate note do you wanna get some aspirin for me from my medicine cabinet?" you and with puppy dog eyes.

JJ rolls her eyes with a smile and stands up. "Anything for you, (Y/N)." she says in a mocking tone.

JJ walks back into the room lightly shaking a small bottle of aspirin. You reach out to grab it and she retracts her dainty hand. "C'mon Jayje." you say rubbing your temples.

"Promise you'll talk to Em?" she says with a plain look on her face.

"Sure, Sure. Just please give me the aspirin."

JJ tips her head down and looks at you with raised eyebrows. Her face was questioning if you'd really do it.

"I promise." you say raising your right hand.

That seems to do the trick because she hands you the bottle and grabs a glass of water from the kitchen. You hear the water running and moments later JJ walks back into your line of sight. She hands you the cold cup and sits next to you.

"Are you sure your okay."

"No but I will be."

JJ leaves your apartment about an hour later and you fall asleep on your couch. You had such a bad hangover and you felt like you were going to explode from the headache. You woke up around four pm. You had napped for a solid four hours and you woke up starving. You go a pizza delivered and worked on some paperwork. Your teacher was almost gone but you still felt really groggy. Emily had tried calling twice but you declined them. You weren't in the right headspace to deal with her and all of her drama so you decided you'd call her tomorrow.

You hadn't gone grocery shopping in over a week so you decide you should force yourself off the couch and go shopping. Emilys house is on your way home and you got the sudden urge to talk to her. You pull up to her house and sit in your car for a minute. You took a deep breath in a wiped you sweaty hands on your t-shirt. You put of the car and walk to her front door, knocking three times before you heard shuffling around inside. The door swings open and she looks at you with a little bit of shock on her face.

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