Chapter 5: Caught, again

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The next three weeks were pretty boring. The team had gone to two different towns but you weren't allowed to leave because your doctor hadn't cleared you to fly yet, even though you begged him again and again. You were never a fan of sleeping alone. You enjoyed knowing someone was there, next to you, protecting you. Since Emily had been gone most of the three weeks you tried to get used to it but it felt so unnatural to sleep alone. You have always been a fan of sleepovers in part because of that reason.

You so far had gone to three sessions with your counselor Hotch was making you see. His name was George and he was a pain in your ass. He was nice but he was good at telling when you were lying to him. The nightmares had become few and far between since you started seeing him so that was good but you were still finding it hard to open up about your kidnapping.

It was a Friday night and the team was on their way home. Yesterday you got cleared by your doctor to fly and you were excited to be able to go back in the field with the team. You had. pent a lot of time with Garcia but you knew you couldn't tell her about Emily because then she would tell everyone else on the team. The team finally landed and came back to the office to finish off some paperwork.

They all sat down at their desks and you walked over to Emily.

"God I missed you so much." you whisper into her ear.

"I'm gonna finish up my paperwork and then let's go grab dinner." she says in a low voice. He breath nipping my ear.

You smile as you walk away. About half an hour later she walks to your desk where you've been reading a book. Everyone except Hotch had left by now and he was locked away in his office. She set her purse down on your desk and sits in your lap facing you. She looks down at you and presses her lips towards yours. You had kissed her many times before, sometimes moving farther than that, but it never got old. Emily was great at the passion aspect of relationships. You had seen it in her previous girlfriend.

She starts to kiss you harder with more hunger. You swipe your tongue across her bottom lip and she opens her mouth to let you in. She lightly pulls away and starts kissing the side of your jaw and down your neck. You tip your head to give her more space and you suddenly see Hotch looking at you through the window of his office. He turns beet red and looks down. You push Emily off your lap as soon as his gaze registers.

"What the fuck Y/N?" she says in a confused voice.

"Hotch" you say, your face beginning to fill with heat. "Hotch and I just made eye contact."

"Shit." she says breathily.

You sit in silence for a moment thinking of what to do. Aaron walks out of his office holding a small stack of papers. He walks over to your desk swiftly.

"There is a rule against inter-bureau fraternization, but since neither of you are a superior I can let it slide as long as you fill out these papers and get them on my desk by Monday morning." he says. Through his whole monologue he doesn't look at either of you, instead he finds his eyes on the paperwork he his holding. He passes you the papers and looks at you in the eyes. "Agent (Y/L/N), you are a great asset to this team and it would be a shame if another one of these recent slip ups got in the way of your career." and with that he turns on his heel and struts back to his office, closing the door behind him.

You look up at Emily as she says, "Hey you don't look so good."

You turn away from your desk and start puking into your small waste basket. Emily grabs you hair immediately and pulls it back, he other hand rubbing small circles on your back. When you are finally finished puking you look up at Emily with the most pathetic glance.

"Let's go home. We can talk more in the morning." she says. She wraps one arm under your knees and another around your back and she carries you to the car. She set you in the front seat, buckles you in, and climbs into the drivers side. She hands you a water bottle she has in the back seat and tells you to drink. She drives to your house and carries you inside.

Emily was surprisingly strong compared to her small stature. She lays you down on the bed and unbuttons and pulls your blue jeans off.

"Lift." she says nodding to your arms. You raise them above your head and she shimmies your shirt off. She unbuckles you bra and pulls the covers over you. She undressed and crawls into bed herself but not before she sets a garbage can next to your side of the bed. "Just in case." she winks.

You wake up to the sudden feeling of your throat burning. You roll over and hurl in the trash can again. You grab your water cup, rinse and spit into the trash can. You check your phone, the sun light brightening your room. 2:33 it reads. Fuck. Emily rolls over and strokes your hair.

"You okay?" she asks.

"No." you respond trying not to burst into tears.

"Hey, what's up? Are you okay?" she asks in a worried voice.

"I don't wanna l-lose my job." you say as your voice cracks and tears start to stream down your face.

"Babe," Emily rolls over to turn on the lamp. "Hotch would never fire you. He thinks you're a great asset to the team and he really likes you. He's just being a little harsh right now."

You let out a small croak trying to let her know you understand. She turned out the light and continued to stroke your hair until you fell asleep.

You awoke to the sharp smell of coffee. Emily brought in a tray with fresh coffee (black just the way you like it), toast with butter, and ginger ale.

"I know the toast is boring but my mom used to make it for me when I was sick so I figured I'd make some for you." Emily says in a soft voice.

"Aw thanks Em!" you say in a raspy voice.

She sets the tray down on your bedside table and sits in bed next to you.

"Anything you wanna talk about?" she asked as she turned towards you, hugging a pillow in her lap.

"No, I'm fine." you say trying to sound convincing.

"(Y/N), I know we aren't supposed to profile each other but...." she trails off.

"Fine, erm.... Having Hotch know about us scares me." she looks at you with a worried face. "He's in a position of power and it just brought back a bunch memories about my mom and how she tried kicking me out of the house. When I told her she even threatened to kill me to keep her from having a..... um, a f*g daughter." you say. When you were anxious you would spin your rings on your fingers which is what you were doing now.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I didn't know, I mean...." she trails off again.

"No, no. Why would you?" you say wiping a tear from your face. "It was a long time ago and she's no longer a part of my life so it's okay." you say trying to smile.

"Well if it makes it any better I'm glad you are the way you are. You are strong, and smart, and funny, and hot." she says with a grin on her face.

You look over and her and lean in locking your lips with hers. She kisses you back momentarily before just barely pulling away.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she whispers.

"Shut up and kiss me, Emily Prentiss." you respond.

She plunged back in forcing her tongue into your mouth. You are still not wearing a top or boat a from last night and you can feel your nipples harding ig against the sheets. She shifts so she is now sitting in your lap facing you and you continue to kiss for a while more before you pull away.

"I need to shower." you whisper to her.

"I'll join." she giggles back, and join she does.

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