Suspenseful Saturday

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A/N: Just to let you all know, there is a minor spoiler to episode six in this, however, it's only the introduction of a new character, and some people may already know of her due to Casting Call or word of mouth. But I thought I should say this beforehand, just as a precaution.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep" - that was the not-so-beautiful melody Zander awoke to, being diffused all throughout his bedroom by his infuriating alarm clock one Saturday, when dawn had already broken many hours ago.

He merely replied with a groan as it continued to chirp its recurring racket; that is, until his step sister decided to stifle it's continuous noise with her pillow, as it could even be heard from her room next door.

"Zander, you have to get uppp! Even your alarm clock is exhausted from calling you" Hailey moaned, glancing to her younger sister, Bethany, who was threatening to drop it down the stairway.

"And I too am exhausted, so leave me be!" Zander mumbled into his ivory, fluff-filled pillow (which distorted his voice a great deal); he had yet to come to terms with the rumor he overheard the previous day, still left in the dark of weather or not it is true - and yet, too anxious to question Luke about it.

"Alright, you can have five more minutes, but if that alarm goes off one more time, Bethany is dropping it down the stairs!" Hailey compromised, while peering at an exited, anticipating Bethany, still grasping onto the clock.

Hailey strolled over the threshold, and with her exit, added, "oh, don't forget, we're meeting Luke and his family at the woods later today!"


Zander's POV

Hailey is slowly strolling out the door, as if to intentionally lengthen the time I have to endure the trials of the glaring sun beaming into my non-adapted, tired eyes.

Suddenly, she speaks something unexpected - well, unexpected in the sense that I completely forgot about it. 

   Life has a beautiful, fascinating way of making matters worse for me - and this time was no exception - as if to pour salt into the already gaping wound that is my heart, Hailey calmly added that we're meeting Luke later - not only am I overly anxious about seeing him, this also means I have to get up this instance!

I slump out of the sea of blankets that I am engulfed in, dragging my covers with me, like a butterfly slowly emerges from it's cocoon - however, I must admit, I was not half as graceful - more like a baguette inevitably slides out of it's wrapping if held slightly downwards.

Crawling slowly over to my wooden dresser, now towering above me as I lie flat on my stomach, groaning in the anticipation of what is to become of today.
I feel for the wooden knob on one of the cabinet doors, using it to haul myself upright onto my unmotivated knees.
Slowly but surely, I pull my purple sweater over my unbrushed head of hair and slide into my comfortable purple socks, the tips shaped like small cats. My dark navy trousers accompany them, hiding the ears to my socks, along with my shame in wearing them everyday.
The daunting stairs beg me to crawl down them, but I finally rise onto my feet and reluctantly stroll down them.
My step-sister and step-father greet me at the breakfast table, while my half sister is quickly shovelling her cereal down her throat.

"Oh, sweetie, remember to brush your teeth!" My mother reminds my as I brush the remnants of my grape jelly toast from the sides of my mouth.
I tread steadily to the bathroom, with morose filled within every crevice of my down beaten heart, unmoitivation and dread lurking deep within it.
Slowly, the sleek, furnished oak door creaked open, as it's handle abided by the force of my hand, turning and opening the door.

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