Tennis matches and romantic attatchments

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The cold wind of the early morning pierced Zander's ears. His neck and mouth enveloped in the hug of his scarf, his breath, however, still able to seep through the openings to reveal a small fog in the air. Dew from the previous night still slept on the grass and leaves, slumping out of it's bed onto the floor beneath.

The purple haired musician made his way through the grassy landscape that surrounded him, sunlight shining in his light lavender eyes. "Luke!" Zander exclaimed, just as he had done many times before. Running through the swishing grass to the cobbled stone bridge Luke was crossing over, he threw his arms around his friend and greeted him with a hug.

"Woah, hey!" Luke laughed. He was dressed in a light brown coat, just surpassing his waist, a soft white button-up shirt and faded black jeans. Whilst Zander was clothed in a red tartan shirt and dark trousers.

"All set to go to the tournament?" Luke asked.

"You know it!" Zander replied with an excited grin. They began to walk back the way Luke was coming, until the drummer suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Oh, before I forget," he began, swinging the black bag he had off his shoulders and into his hands.
"I.. uh... got this for you" the boy continued to stammer, pulling out a dark purple tennis racquet with white tips and a black handle. "S-since I know how much you like tennis and don't have a racquet of your own, I decided to get you one".

"Wh-what?! Really?" Zander looked at the item in his friend's hands with awe, no one had ever been kind enough to him to even think of giving a gift like that to him. "T-thank you Luke!" his quiet shock quickly got replaced by exclamative happiness and gratitude. He tackled his friend into another hug, loosely wrapping his arms around Luke's neck.

"Heh, n-no problem" the smiling brunette laughed, hugging his friend back.

"Uh um, so anyway" Zander laughed after they broke apart, faintly blushing after the long hug. "Should we continue walking to the stadium?" Luke laughed with his friend as they proceeded to stroll.

"O-oh! Zander, Luke, you're here" a familiar voice timidly greeted the boys. Not Stacy, as they expected, but Elliott.

"Elliott?! H-hi, what brings you here?" the tennis enthusiast asked the sheepish boy before him.

"Uh, well, not many people know this, but I actually really love tennis, it's one of my passions!" The flower boy replied, tucking his hand behind his head. Zander was about to continue the conversation until Stacy skipped over, an older man following her footsteps, more confidently than her, like he's been in the stadium many times before and with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey guys!" Stacy waved at her fellow classmates, "Zander, Luke, you remember Gary, right? The man behind the counter at the arcade". Gary tilted his head downwards, greeting the boys.

"Mr. Wickham, Mr. Peterson" He said as he outstretched his hand and shook both of theirs. Zander's eyes immediately widened in perplexion and had a new, slightly unnerved demeanour; neither of them had ever said their last names.

"oh, don't worry" Stacy laughed, "I told him earlier" she slightly blushed out of embarrassment and tucked her right hand awkwardly behind her head. The group then travelled down to the front row stands. As he walked, Gary fastened another button on his pale dark blue jacket through one of the loops on the other side. Luke and Stacy were staring anticipatedly towards the court, while Zander and Elliott, on both sides of Gary were looking at him, studying him. Who exactly was he? Why did he invite all of them to the match? And most importantly: why was he smiling at one of the players reassuringly, did he know him?

Whatever the answers to those questions were, the match was about to start, so all of the queries flowing rapidly through their heads were washed away by the bigger body of water; a tsunami of excitement.

Cross The Line: The Music Freaks: Tennis AUWhere stories live. Discover now