[Chapter 1]: [Arc 1]: An Ordinary Day And Date Invite

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3rd Person P.O.V

Kuoh, a rather peaceful town with the only thing of notice being that it houses the prestigious Kuoh Academy, an all-girls school that has recently been co-ed. It is early in the morning and most people are up and about with adults preparing for work while the young ones prepare to go to school.

While most people would be wide awake there is one person who seemed to still be in wonderland dreaming peacefully, though that would not be for long as the rays of the sun shined through the gaps in his curtain, one of them even hitting straight ...

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While most people would be wide awake there is one person who seemed to still be in wonderland dreaming peacefully, though that would not be for long as the rays of the sun shined through the gaps in his curtain, one of them even hitting straight in the eye which prompted him to wake up from his dreamland.

This Boy's name is Y/n Okkotsu

1st Person P.O.V

Y/n: Ughh... Sun why do you hate me?

I said trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes with minimal success, it does not help that the sun was blasting in my eyes forcing me to squeeze them shut when I am trying to wake up.

Y/n: Where is the way to the bathroom again? Let's hope I don't trip like last time. Stupid alarm clock...

Remembering the day when I had thrown my alarm clock and forgot to pick it up afterward resulting in me falling flat on my face when I tripped on it on my way to the bathroom the next morning was not one of the things I wanted to wake up to today...

Washing my face is enough to get me out of my groggy state and when the cold water contact with my skin I felt my body starting to work properly.

Following a quick brush of my teeth, I looked in the mirror and saw my black hair being rather messy, a problem which I will fix in a minute... If I feel like  it

But more importantly, I can hear something...something rather strange...something primal...something-

*Stomach Growl*

That was the call of breakfast, a call that must be heeded at all costs! As I walked down to the kitchen to get my essential grub, I completely forgot my hair

Setting down on the table with a quick meal of bacon, eggs, and toast ready. I looked at the time to see I would be running late in a few, something that I don't particularly mind.

My grades are high and my behavior is good so I can afford to dick around now and then, the problem is that now and then for me is kind of every day to which again, I don't care...

Y/n: Welp, time to start another day and hope nothing blows up

...And just like that, I jinxed myself didn't I? Whatever...

Grabbing my stuff and exiting my house I started to go down the road for Kuoh Academy

Yes, THE Kuoh Academy

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