[Chapter 2] [Arc 1]: Welcome To The Supernatural

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1st Person P.O.V

Today is the day of my  'date' with Yumma. Honestly, I have not thought much of what to do mostly because there is not much to think of anyway, she did not seem strong enough to be a threat and even if there are more fallen, I highly doubt they will be a threat as well.

All in all, I don't have anything to worry about so I will just give her a scare and say clearly that I am not to be messed with. Yeah, that sounds like a plan

Y/n: I should get presentable. A fake data it might be but it would be rather unfair if I show up looking casual

With that in mind, I picked out some nice clothes not my best but among the top 10 for relaxation. Once I am dressed and ready for action I saw that there is one hour before our meet uptime

Whatever, I will go earlier to scout and see if she has any fallen buddies waiting on standby and also to make sure she can't complain that I kept her waiting. A woman complaining is one of the few things that I would not rather deal with...

Looking into the mirror one last time before I go, I saw myself in a new light, who knew you could do so much with a little reconstruction?

Y/n: Guess I don't look half bad

With that final complement towards myself, I headed out into the streets of Kuoh taking in the early morning sun and breeze to energize my body for what's about to come today

As I walked down the street in a relaxed and lazy manner, I could not help but notice something or more accurately someone that I knew, well... not personally knew since I would not associate myself with him especially due to his reputation

What reputation you may ask? Well, the reputation of the one named...Issei Hyoudou, leader of the perverted trio

Y/n: If it isn't the leader of the perverted trio Issei Hyoudou, what are you doing here?

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Y/n: If it isn't the leader of the perverted trio Issei Hyoudou, what are you doing here?

He looked in my direction puzzled as to who would call him out like that in the middle of the street and when he recognized me I could almost see a vein pop in his forehead

Issei: Hey Y/n...do you mind? I am doing something important

Y/n: Oh? What would that be? Let me guess, you're trying to see if you can sneak into the girls-only sauna just around the corner?

Issei: Wait there is a girls-only sauna in town?!

He said that while adopting his iconic perverted smile, I have to give the guy some credit for just how dedicated he is to his harem/boobs cause just the mere mention of them can completely distract him. However, since I am not an idiot I won't.

Y/n: No you idiot and even if there was do you want to go to jail for sexual assault? Lord knows you would have lots of witnesses testifying against you.

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