[Chapter 3] [Arc 1]: Meeting With Devils

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A gaping void with no end where no light could escape...

Yet something was not as it should be...

The darkness was not as it should be. Instead of an abyss that calls out to your deepest fears, the darkness felt gentle and warm

The same warmth that blankets every living being when they go to sleep, this darkness inspired that same feeling.

Throughout this darkness, two voices can be heard.

It is hard to make them out sounding like mere whispers at first as time ticked forward those same voices became louder and more coherent

The first one is the voice of a teenage boy, probably no more than 16 years old

The second voice belonged to a teenage girl, its volume and intensity was very great making it impossible to pay attention to the situation

Girl's voice: Okkotsu. Seriously why'd you enrolled at jujutsu high?! To do what?! What'd you want? What'd you expect?!

Boy's voice: I... I didn't want to hurt anybody anymore. I tried to run away and disappear. But... He said I'd be lonely. I couldn't disagree. 

The boy's voice started to rise till he started yelling

Boy's voice: I want to be with people. I want to be relied on by somebody! I want to believe... That it's okay to keep living.

Girl's voice: Then start... exorcising... curses. You need to exorcise them! And keep on exorcising them!! As for your own feelings and other people's respect... you'll be fine in due time. That's what... Jujutsu High is all about!!

Boy's voice: Rika... Lend... me... your... p..o..w...e....r-

Before the voice could finish its sentence it started to fade becoming less and audible until the voices were gone. The only thing left was silence...

Scene change / 1st Person P.O.V

The light shining through the curtains hitting me in the eyes making me wake up from my peaceful sleep. An audible yawn escaped my lips as I tried to rub my eyes to get the sleepiness to go away or something...

As I was about to get up, I finally realized there was a weight on me. I lifted the covers to see what was weighing down on me and I saw Ray sleeping soundly on my chest with an angelic look on her face.

The events of yesterday came flooding back into my mind as I smiled and petted the head of the sleeping beauty next to me

Trying not to wake her up I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. Once I got in I started to do my usual routine but as I was about to finish washing my face I looked in the mirror and the dream I had last night played back in my mind

I stare for a good 15 seconds at my reflection in the mirror as the memory of a man with white hair came to the front of my mind, but just as quickly as it came I squashed it looking down at the sink.

Y/n: A sorcerer huh...

There is no point in thinking about this now...

Once I got out of my distraction, I finished up my business in the bathroom and headed to the kitchen to prepare some food for me and Raynare. Now I am not a master chef or anything but I will say, I make some killer bacon and eggs so I will go with that.

Getting the ingredients from the fridge and making the proper preparations I put the eggs in the pan and watched them sizzle, the smell had woken someone up as I saw Ray coming through the door. The allure of the nightgown she was still wearing never left even now.

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