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Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Vampires, Youkais, and Gods...

All these supernatural mythical beings have lived amongst humans ever since the dawn of man.

Sometimes they help, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they silence threats that would reveal the supernatural world to humanity, sometimes they simply don't care and let any number of atrocities take place. Thankfully such tragedies are very few and far between.

However, there has been a time where such tragedies were almost a regular thing. And that time was during 'The Great War'...

A grand war between the three Christian Factions:

The biblical God and his Arch-Angels...

Lucifer and his fellow Satans...

Azazel and the fallen angel organization, Grigori...

These three factions raged war on each other all hell bend on eliminating the other two. During this time, it was not uncommon for humans to get caught up in this mess, most humans that did were left either dead or enslaved.

Yet, what was the reason for such abuse towards a species that had nothing to do with their war? Simple: there was none.

The supernatural creatures that dwell within the shadows of the world have always viewed humanity as 'beneath them', leading to incredible discrimination against them.

Still, there was no denying humanity's potential, a potential that got even greater when Sacred Gears were introduced to the world.

These Sacred Gears are artifacts created by biblical God and granted to humanity as a blessing. The power sacred gears possessed became a good enough reason for every faction to desire those that possessed them, some sacred gears were even said to be able to kill gods as was the case with the infamous 'Longinus' class.

Among all these different beings that laugh at the laws of man, one special individual exists that will soon shake the balance that the world falsely thought existed...

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